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The following article was translated from the source by Kartavirya.

Juan (János) Moricz’ discovery of South American, Hungarian speaking Indians

Györgyné by Hary (1977)

The Peabody Museum announced to Harvard University that following the archaeological digs in Puebla, Mexico conducted by their research expedition sent there, this expedition concluded that the American man did not appear in America between 12-15 000 years ago – as previously thought – but over 40 000 years ago. Among the archaeological finds were human skeletons and chiseled stone tools together with ancient animals extinct for over 40 000 years. The news agencies of the USA spread these new all over the world.

In those days in Ecuador, Peru and the Amazonas Juan (János) Moricz, our compatriot, met such Indian tribes the members of which he could speak Hungarian with. In their legends they keep the awareness and knowledge of their many thousands of years’ old past and their kinship and connections with other peoples alive. Nobody has been able to refute Moricz’ discoveries, on the contrary, the Spanish for political and economical reasons have levelled heavy attacks against Moricz.

His discoveries are significant indeed. This much is certain, that through the many years of darkness the world’s ancient history has been in, the ancient past of the Magyar will shine with radiant splendour in front of all the peoples of the world. By reading the educational literature, daily press and the academic literature of the early 20th century it was common knowledge that in the Amazonas’ ancient jungles lives such White Indian tribes that they had practically not come in contact with yet, and thus this area held from the researchers many until then unknown surprises. A portion of these surprises is this one.

In the 1920s several reports were received to the effect that the Hungarian engineers and workers working in South and Central America were speaking Hungarian with the local Indian workers. Some of the Hungarian emigrants who settled here after the Second World War took these rumours seriously and started looking into it more carefully. One of these was János Moricz who started his investigations in Ecuador in the 1960s. Here he spoke Hungarian with the members of three Indian tribes: the Cahari, Mochica and Puruha. Enthused by this he started archaeological and archive investigations and, among other finds, he managed to collect more than 10 000 geographical and family names identical to Hungarian ones. As a result of his findings he was appointed historical consultant at one of the Argentinian universities.

His research was mainly conducted in Ecuador, the capital of which is Quito. The city is named after the old Quito empire. Quito originally sounded like Kitus. Here in the Kitus empire, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, between the peaks of the Cordillera (Andes) mountains –higher than 5000 metres – on the secretive and mythical plains covered with Amazonas’ ancient jungles live those Indian tribes, some of whom still speak our ancient Hungarian language, even today.

    Pronounced keet-oosh in Hungarian. Kit=Két, Us=Ős, i.e. “the empire of the Two Ancestors”()
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