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Free French Lessons

Looking for quality free French lessons online? Don’t look any further!                   When studying the language online for free, you can easily get bogged down in the grammar. In consequence you may also lose sight of your goal or what you want to achieve. What is your goal by the way? Is it the ability to understand and communicate in the language? Or do you want to become a translator? If your answer is: “By the end of my course, I want to be able to understand a conversation and communicate in French.” I don’t really mind making a few mistakes if I can still make myself understood well enough.” Then keep in mind the following quote from Rivarol: “Grammar is the art of lifting the difficulties out of a language; the lever must not be heavier than the burden.” Grammar is needed. True. But grammar is not the whole thing. It’s just a piece of the pie. Well of course if you want to become a teacher or a translator, you will have to learn everything about grammar. Honestly, I thinkit’s not difficult compared to the vast majority of languages around the world. From my own experience, Spanish is really easy at the beginning but from an intermediate level, its grammar is much more difficult than French! French grammar is logical. Like German grammar. Like mathematics. Everything is about rules to remember and… practice! Learn French Lab provides Video lessons, printable flashcards and exercises. For Free. You have no excuse now! I hope these free French lessons available on this site will help you learning French.

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