
Dymocks Learn Spanish

Last modified:Monday, January 26, 2015

In this post we will take a look at a few phrases in Spanish that are commonly used by nurses at work.

 First, you will find a video that will show you how to pronounce each phrase,

and after the video you will find a written version so you can review the spelling of each one and write them down on your notebook so you can use them at work, starting “mañana”!

Are there any phrases for nurses (or for your job) you would like to learn? Add your own phrases to this list. Please share them in the comments section available at the end of this post so I can translate them for you.

Also, how do you feel about Spanish in the Workplace? What is your biggest challenge? How can I help you? Please share it in the comments as well.

Here is the video with the Pronunciation of each Phrase:

Here is the written version of the phrases:

Spanish Phrases Commonly used by Nurses:

Hi, my name is _____, I'll be your nurse today.Hola, my name is ______, I'll be your nurse today.

How are you? How are you?

How may I help you? How I can help?

Are you hungry? Are you hungry?

Do you need to use the bathroom? I can help you.¿Necesita use the bathroom? Can I help you.

Can I help you With anything else? Can I help you with something else?

Call me if you need anything.Llámeme si necesita algo.

Thank you for waiting. I was helping another patient.Gracias for waiting. He was helping another patient.

Are you Having any pain? Do you feel pain?

Where is the pain? Where is the pain?

How would you rate your pain from 0 to 10? 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain you have ever felt.¿Cómo calificaría su dolor del cero al diez? Cero es “no dolor” y diez es el peor dolor de su vida.

What medications do you take?¿Qué medicamentos toma?

Now breathe normally and let me listen to your heart.Ahora breathe normally and let me listen to your heart.

Now deep breaths so I can hear your lungs.Ahora breathe deeply to listen to your lungs.

Let me see your throat. (replace “throat” for other body parts)Permítame ver su garganta.

Can you move your arm? (replace “arm” for other body parts)¿Puede mover su brazo?

This will hurt to little.Esto going to hurt a little.

This won’t hurt, but it may be a little uncomfortable.Esto no va a doler, pero va a ser un poco incómodo.

Please hold still.Por Please do not move.

You're doing great.Lo is doing very well.

Visiting hours are over at 8:00 p.m.Las hours end at eight in the evening.

The doctor will come in a few minutes.El doctor va a venir en unos minutos.

Because your so.Porque his Doctor Doctor Said said so.

The doctor has ordered this medicine for you. Please take it now.El doctor ha ordenado esta medicina para usted. Por favor tómela ahora.

When were you born? What is your date of birth?

A Quick Note:As a note, considering the context (the workplace) these phrases in Spanish are simple and use a formal tone aimed at addressing people respectfully as you usually would with someone you just met or someone who is a patient or customer. Additionally, this article focuses on the Spanish spoken in Mexico.

One Important Suggestion Before we get Started: Speak Loud and Clear (and Slow Down!):One suggestion regarding using Spanish at the workplace before we get started. Speak loud, clear and slowly (not too loud, just avoid mumbling). Sometimes we all feel a little nervous or shy about using a second language, even more so when we are beginners and we tend to speak quickly while using a low tone of voice.

This happens involuntarily most of the time and it is a natural tendency for many people. Pay special attention to this and fight this natural instinct by becoming aware of its occurrence. Whenever you catch yourself talking fast and low, make an effort to slow down, enunciate each syllable and speak loud and clear.

Over time, as you practice; you will develop a clear tone of voice in Spanish instinctively.

Is Spanish useful at Work? Get Free Video Lessons Here:

What other phrases for nurses would you like to learn in Spanish? or any other job? Add your own phrases to this list. Please post them in the comments so I can help you to translate them.

How do you feel about Spanish in the Workplace? What is your biggest challenge? Please share it in the comments as well so we can all learn from you.

If you liked this post and you think it may be useful for your coworkers and friends, please share it on Facebook and Twitter using the social buttons you will find floating on the left of this post. Thanks!

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