
Hot To Learn Spanish Online

To learn Spanish language you need to same tools which will help you along in your learning processes. First off you’ll need a good Spanish dictionary and a good site to hear the correct pronunciations. In actuality to learn Spanish and to be able to speak, you’ll only require at least three hundred common words of the language.

These words consist of pleasantries ( hello, good morning, good night, see you around, nice to meet you, etc.), necessities(food, money, bank, bathroom, hotel etc), courtesies(thank you, your welcome, excuse me etc)names of essential things( tea, water, bread, butter, eggs, dress, shirt, pants, iron, fire, aspirin, medicine etc.), numbers( 1-100 numbers), directions( north south east west, up down, left right, here there) questions( what, when, where, how, why etc) emergencies(police, hospital etc) common action words(eat, drink, walk, run, stand up, sit down, come, go, read, listen, etc)and comparatives(good,bad,better, fine,large small, warm, cold, high, low etc). it is better to learn the alphabets of Spanish as well along with the above vocabulary. This can help you in correct pronunciation of the words.

Once you have memorized some of the vocabulary you can now focus on the grammar aspect of Spanish. The forms of verbs used for past present and future, see how the verb changes its form. Observe the sentence structure and use of a pronouns for masculine, feminine and neutrals.

Some basic ways to learn Spanish language;

  • Memorize at least 10 words daily. And keep repeating them throughout the day.
  • Start by learning cognate words, these are the words we have common in other languages. There are some words which have Spanish origin but are also part of English and vice versa. So if you can find these words and memorize them your Spanish vocabulary has increased exponentially.
  • Read, listen and watch any material you can find in Spanish. Watch children movies with subtitles because they’ll be easier for you to understand in the beginning, read simple books and listen to Spanish songs. When you have got the hang of it you can move on to something more difficult.
  • Try and have conversation with a native. Try no matter how poor your skills are.
  • Practice what you have learned so far. You can either stand in front of a mirror and talk or you can find a friendly to help you out. So make Spanish friends

Some Spanish words to help you get started:

Good morning Good morning Good evening Good night hello hello Goodbye Good bye Pleased Nice to meet you Forgive me Excuse me Thank you Thank you Please Please Health Bless you Yes Yes No No Welcome Your welcome Water Water're welcome It was nothing much is How much does it cost? Food Food Money Money Account Check the bathroom Bathroom

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