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Spinning Babies 2016 World Confluence

The 1st Spinning Babies conference is putting the birth world abuzz! Come be part of this historical event and be right in the middle of her-story.

Our Sponsorship Level Exhibitors support the success of the conference. It’s a big deal to bring 25 speakers together to launch a new paradigm!

Gratitude to Blooma and The Childbirth Collective, Inlet Sponsors.

I believe childbirth can be instinctual, pleasurable, and easier. How can I believe this when there is so much fear and talk about pain in labor?  Why, some ask, would 1 in 3 American women birth by cesarean if it was so natural?

For 30 years, I’ve observed fetal position, rotation and progress in labor. I’ve brought Spinning Babies to parents, providers, doulas, and childbirth educators for 14+ years and every day I hear happy results:

  • Back labor eased
  • Slow labor made smooth and fast
  • Breech babies that flip head down
  • Transverse (sideways) babies scheduled for cesarean suddenly turn head down – cesarean canceled!
  • First labors occurring regularly in 8 hours or less.
  • Providers smiling because they learned something here not taught in university
  • Cesareans canceled outside the OR when a last minute technique releases the baby
  • More natural births and VBACs around the world!
Together we notice that when women restore the balance in their muscles and alignment in the pelvis, birth goes better.  The natural physiology of birth and the relationship of the baby and mother, and the mother with her birth team brings all make up the wonderful world of Spinning Babies!
  • Natural ways to help your breech baby turn head down
  • Techniques to help your head down baby get anterior, flexed, and into your pelvis
  • Create more room in your pelvis – and more comfort in pregnancy
  • Making labor easier for your baby makes labor easier for you!

Click on the “Start” menu above. Browse through “In pregnancy,” and “In labor.”  Start today for a more comfortable pregnancy and an easier birth! It is not too early.

Watch the trailer above to hear Gail introduce Spinning Babies, and find out how Daily Essentials DVD can add stability and flexibility to the birthing pelvis.

Need more specific birth education?

The Spinning Babies Parent Class  (see trailer below) adds myofascial releases to the Daily Essentials and adds insights and tips for progressing through labor and avoiding the common reasons for an unexpected cesarean due to “failure to progress.”

Share your story with us! We want to learn from you as much as you want to learn from Spinning Babies!

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