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One 200 sq ft single module of a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System feeds 8 people.

Want to feed more people? Add more modules. 

Well THAT was fast, fun and easy . . .

According to, our website, has the following website rankings for March 21, 2016:   782,601 Global Ranking and 187,951 US Ranking. WE ROCK!

A newly constructed Portable Farms® Aquaponics System prior to planting or installing the fish in the fish tanks.   40 days after the seedlings were planted in the Grow Tables and the fish were installed in the fish tanks.      

Yearly Production From Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems (Utility Patent Application Filed December 24, 2013)

A 100′ x 100′ ( 30m x 30m) unit grows 80,000 vegetables and raises 23,000 pounds (10,400 kg) of fish A 24′ x 46′ (7.3m x 14m) unit grows 8,600 vegetables and 1,156 pounds (524 kg) of fish A 10′ x 20′ ( 3m x 6m) unit produces 1,100 vegetables and 400 pounds (180 kg) of fish 

View a  2 minute video clip of the interior of 16 x 33′ Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems – This small 16 x 33′ Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems (in above video) feeds ten people the table vegetables and protein (tilapia) the food they need for optimal health – forever in 528 sq ft total space and 264 square ft grow space. This YouTube video has been viewed more than 44,023 times.

Colle Davis, Lead Inventor, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems. Price for EXCITING NEW ONLINE COURSE to build one full module: US$2,500.00 – After completing the  satisfactorily, we will ship you the Portable Farms® Kit so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System to feed 8 people FOREVER. The Portable Farms® Kit is included in the price of the course. Most students complete the course after a week or two after working on the course one hour per day. READ FOR FREE: THE ENTIRE CURRICULUM OUTLINE FOR Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Course© –   To find out what is IN the Portable Farms®  Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms®  Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (top right box on every page of this website). One Portable Farms Kit provides you with the technology to assemble one module which feeds 8 people. Want to feed more people? Then order more Portable Farms®  Kits. Yes, it’s THAT EASY. Swimming tilapia. We generally harvest our tilapiaafter 7 to 9 months when they reach maturity at about 1.25 lbs and then replace those fish we harvest with 1″ tilapia fingerlings that we purchase from a certified tilapia breeder in our state. We accept MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Wire Transfers. If you’d prefer, you may call us to give us your credit Number over the phone:  800-906-0256 EST OR  800-952-6224 FREE EST. We also accept checks, wire transfers and money orders. The entire Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© or the Portable Farms® Junior Course©, Sections A-Z, must be satisfactorily completed within 12 months from the date of enrollment in order to qualify for graduation or the Portable Farms® Kit.

Read Five New Ebooks About Aquaponics-Related Topics Written by Colle and Phyllis Davis, Inventors, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems and Published in 2015

For more detailed information about these books:
Listen to an important message from Colle Davis, Lead Inventor, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems  Listen to Phyllis Davis tell you about AQUAPONICS GOLD. An overview for those considering the option of installing an aquaponics system near their home.   This ebook discloses the facts, figures and formulas necessary for successful greenhouse and warehouse aquaponics growing.      Let us show you HOW, WHY, WHAT, WHERE and HOW MUCH it costs to install your own solar powered system for YOUR aquaponics system.  

To view photos of food that is commonly grow in Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems: 

Aquaponics is easier and more productive than organic gardening or traditional agriculture and uses 95% less water. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems also use less electricity and less labor than any other aquaponics system in the world.

Backyard Aquaponics for Feeding YOUR Family

·         Feed Your Family with Aquaponics:  ·         Build Your Aquaponics Close to Your Kitchen:  ·         Let’s Talk About Greenhouses for Your Aquaponics System:  ·         The Cost and Materials for an Aquaponics System:  ·         Operations for your Aquaponics System:  ·         Backyard Aquaponics is FUN & EASY!:   

Portable Farms® Aquaponics System in Southwest Florida is OFF GRID AND SOLAR.

to read article and view more images of this farm.

This new Portable Farms® Aquaponics System (above) is fully solar powered. This new Portable Farms® Aquaponics System has one grow tray that is 6’x16’ (96 sq ft of grow space) which feeds four people FOREVER. 

  • We have incorporated all that we have learned into this sleek new state-of-the-art aquaponics system which is an upgraded version of all the systems we have ever designed or built and it is an efficient and beautiful system that is easy-top-operate and FULLY run on one single solar panel (off back left side of photo on outside of lanai).

Enjoy Tilapia as a Low Calorie, Low Fat, High Protein Alternative to a Skinless Chicken Breast

* 4 oz Tilapia fillet – 105 calories, 1 gram fat, 23 grams protein

* 4 oz skinless chicken breast – – 140 calories, 2 grams fat, 33 grams protein

You can learn everything you need to know about building your own aquaponics system and growing healthy food by taking our FUN and easy-to-follow

  • Let us teach you how to grow healthy fish and vegetables so you can become increasingly self-sustaining.
  • Our 43 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: ] It only takes a few days to learn the areas related to assembling an aquaponics system  so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System!
  • Aquaponics is easier and more productive than organic gardening or traditional agriculture and uses 95% less water. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems also use less electricity and less labor than any other aquaponics system in the world.

 Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems holding a freshly harvested bouquet of fresh greens.

Feed pesticide-free table vegetables to your family . . . FROM FARM TO FORK.

Feed home-grown fish to your family . . . FROM TANK TO TABLE.

READ FOR FREE: THE ENTIRE CURRICULUM OUTLINE FOR Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Course© –  

To find out what is IN the Portable Farms®  Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms®  Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (top right box on every page of this website). One Portable Farms Kit provides you with the technology to assemble one module which feeds 8 people. Want to feed more people? Then order more Portable Farms®  Kits. Yes, it’s THAT EASY.

– Most students complete our new online course in a few days and then we ship you a Portable Farms® Kit so you can build your own system.

– What’s in the Portable Farms® Kit? It’s listed in the FREE PRICE LIST (right top column on every page of this website.)

your questions AFTER you have searched our website for your answers. There are over 400 pages on this website and a SEARCH BOX in the top right hand corner of every page on our website. So please spend some time exploring and reading our website prior to contacting us. We receive thousands of phone calls and emails per month and we do our best to address all the answers to common questions on our website. Thank you.

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems GROW FOOD.

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, Holding 8 large heads of kale (leaves 46″ long) in a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems  Are the Most  Productive and Reliable Aquaponics Systems in the World Portable Farms® grow food in greenhouses, warehouses or underground structures. Without the use of any pesticides, harsh chemicals, antibiotics or hormones.  Portable Farms® use 95% less water than traditional agricultural methods. Portable Farms® use less electrical power than any other aquaponics system in the world and can be solar or wind powered. Portable Farms® provide table vegetables (greens and blooming plants such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.) and fish (tilapia) as a protein source to maintain optimal health. Three people can operate one-quarter of an acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 240 people forever. Twelve people can operate one acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 1,000 people forever. Portable Farms® can be operated by semi-skilled labor and people of almost any age (young and old). Greens grown in Portable Farms® can be harvested in as few as 28 days afterinstallation and continue producing forever . Portable Farms® feed families, communities, cities, countries and the world.

To view photos of fresh food that is commonly grow in Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems: 

Phyllis Davis was awarded Second Prize after presenting Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems to the. View 8 minute presentation on YouTube video above.

Our 43 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: ] It only takes a few days to learn the areas related to assembling an aquaponics system  so you can build your own Portable This new Portable Farms® Aquaponics System has one grow tray that is 6’x16’ (96 sq ft of grow space) which feeds four people FOREVER. Farms®

What’s in the Portable Farms® Kit? It’s listed in the FREE PRICE LIST (right top column on every page of this website.)

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, holding a single head of Bok Choy in this Portable Farms® Aquaponics System that was grown in only 45 DAYS!

To find out what is IN the Portable Farms®  Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms®  Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (top right box on every page of this website). One Portable Farms Kit provides you with the technology to assemble one module which feeds 8 people. Want to feed more people? Then order more Portable Farms®  Kits. Yes, it’s THAT EASY.

We have updated our business stuff January 2016, please read our , and ! Thanks!

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