
Learn Spanish Advanced Free

Exhibition Overview

Civilization Communication In small groups, students will develop their own civilization based on the characteristics identified: Food supply Geographic Boundaries and political organization (government) Developed settlements, cities Social classes, division of labor Culture: religion, art, and architecture System of record keeping-writing Using the characteristics we study in class, students will use historical examples in their own civilizations. While each civilization will be unique, its characteristics will be based on historic evidence. Students will select 40,000 square miles (200 miles in each direction) to locate their civilization and an appropriate food supply for that area. Using elements from various ancient civilizations students will create a government, cities, buildings, art, a writing system, occupations, and a religion / mythology for their civilization. For each characteristic, students need to create a graphic (picture, diagram, model, map, etc.) as well as adescription () and rationale for choices that are made. Students will work in small groups, dividing characteristics of the civilization among the group members. On Exhibition night, students will be presenting their project as a sales pitch. They will “sell” plots of land in their civilization, and will be creating a sales pitch. In Foreign Language, students will create an “I Am” Poem in the voice of an ancient citizen of Mesopotamia. Students will design travel posters for their created civilizations with advertising expressions in French or Spanish. Students will use foreign language to label a map in their created culture. They will give directions around the town in the foreign language as well. The Many Views of Cells Students will display and demonstrate their understanding of cells as the building blocks of all living organisms. They will show in depth the basic functions, structure, and organelles of plant and animal cells, through a visual and written analogy. They willexplain how cells interact with their environment, how cells get nutrients and rid wastes, where cells get the energy to carry out all activities of life, and how cells produce more cells. In Science students will personalize their demonstration by identifying their own learning preference using Gardners Theory of Intelligence. Cell information will be demonstrated individually using one or more of the 8 intelligences including: verbal-linguistic, mathematical-logical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. In Art and Language Arts students will create an simile of a cell’s function and structure using mix media and words to portray a creative analogy. Cell Similes Text My Human Body Students have been studying the human body to identify the general functions and major systems of the body. They will share their knowledge of the nervous system, the digestive system and the excretory system and how they interact with each other. In PE and Science studentswill learn about nutrition, the food pyramid, calorie intake, proper diet and how this relates to our body systems. They will make a healthy snack and share their nutrition expertise. In math they will survey a sample of a population on their nutritional knowledge or habits. They will share their conclusions and relate their findings in an appropriate graph.

Exhibition Calendar

learn spanish 7th grade     learn spanish 50 days