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What is Udemy?

Many people never heard of Udemy. I did not know about Udemy until December 2014 (can you imagine). I quickly realized that this wonderful platform teaches so much goodies that I bought 6 courses in one week! The greatest part was that every time I visit this wonderful site I want to buy more.

I am truly a learner addict. I love learning and now with this I can maximize learning with more up to date courses instead of outdated books or books that I cannot obtain.

But you might wonder what is Udemy? Udemy is a MOOC (massive open online course) platform. I might be very confusing, but it just the APP store of education. That would be the best way to describe it. You can make your own course and upload it to Udemy. Udemy will analyze and check if your course fit the standards. Once you are approved you are ready to earn. Place it online and sit back and relax!

Why should you use Udemy?

There are many more platforms for educational courses. However, Udemy just give many people a great bonus! It will do the promotion for you (if you agree to their promotional policy). By doing this you do not have to do the heavy lifting! One of the hardest part is the marketing of your course. Udemy gives you the choice to join their promotional program (of course they take a share of the profits). Why should you consider this?

Mark Cuban of Shark Tank always says: “50 % of a melon is better than 100% of a grape”.

Because, Udemy is real marketing genius. They understand the process of strong online marketing and they are creating a very powerful MOOC brand. Not many people know the other MOOC, because there always can be one that sticks. Udemy, sticks very well. Their branding is phenomenal and you should leverage their knowledge. Do not own 100% of a grape!

I am a super marketer!

Are you that genius that knows all the tricks of online marketing? In that case you can promote it yourself. The earnings of a video course is always better if you do it yourself. However, many people do not have the knowledge, time, money nor energy to do it yourself.

Do not be the COMPANY!

A big mistake I made before is that I truly belief I can do everything myself. The internet is speeding up at a very high rate. All new technology for the internet are being introduced each day. Everything is going that fast, but learning takes time. I made the mistake of designing a site, doing the seo, creating the pictures, writing the articles, writing the book, making the videos and creating the promotional materials. I will tell you that designing a site is fun but takes a lot of work. But did you know that it took me 10 days to make a website. While someone else could do it in 2 days.

Is it truly worth to do everything to save a couple of bucks? To answer this you have to ask yourself, how much are you worth? Imagine designing a picture would take 2 hours. In that 2 hours you could create a great blog post that would generate 2 sales of $50.

How much is the picture worth? $50 an hour or in total 100 bucks. Here comes the kicker. On fiverr you can find great ebook cover designers that design an decent looking cover for only $5. Yes, that is very shocking right? So are you willing to invest your time on a $5 task or on a $100 task?

So what does this all have to do with Udemy?

Udemy is a growing platform. The new way of learning will be far more concise and too the point. The current way of education is just not very effective. You learn everything of something that does not interest you. So imagine that the future will to the point (on demand) learning and of all possible subjects that interests the student. I was forced to learn French while I wanted to learn Spanish at school. What a waste of those precious hours. In the future no more.

But wait!

The future is now! Udemy created the first true peak to the new way of learning. Udemy is just only a start a very small start! It will boom. It might be Udemy that will win the battle or it might be a new contender. We do not know who will dominate, but I do know that it will boom.

How do you know that MOOC has a future?

You might very skeptical and wonder that perhaps it is already too late. Well, hang on pal! I am not done yet. Let me show you some very starling facts/stories that we all experienced in the last 10 years. This is why it will boom.

The story of Ebooks

Have you ever realized why digital books were such a wonderful way of reading! No, it is not because of the educational value. It was because of the market value! We all know before there were ebooks we all read lovely physical books. I love them and still buy them! These books were always produced by great and respected publishing houses. And always expensive while the author only earned 5% commission!

A writer without a publisher was always considered a failure. Without the publisher there was no book to be printed and no distribution of the books in bookstores. With that much power and control people are looking for alternatives. The internet introduced PDF formats and everybody can publish their own books online. However a new problem was how to promote your self-published books? The answer: AMAZON! When Amazon introduced their ebook store and everybody could upload their self-published book a shift of control came. The publishers and bookstores lost their dominance and now need to fight against the largest online store in the world.

What would happen if Amazon would disappear? There is a huge demand of an open market, this is called capitalism. More undesired/unearned control in a market reduces the effect of capitalism. Why? Because only a few get rich and with amazon many millions of people are gaining!

So what does this have to do with online courses and Udemy?

Udemy is doing exactly the same thing as Amazon but in an different market. Instead of books it is now education. The large institutions are all controlling the educational market space. Have you seen the average prices of education? The prices are very high. It might be valuable but usually you only need a few parts of a course and not the entire course. The force you to buy everything the full price. The control of this market is huge.

Now with Udemy you start to see a bigger shirt of market control. From a few institutes to the masses. This is great because the price of education will quickly decrease to acceptable pricing. Please note, do not expect prices of online courses will drop to iTunes level of $0.99. Education is always worth paying for. Now, it will be affordable! Next, it will also be more specific to many more niches. You will notice soon there will be online courses about all unknown things you cannot even imagine. All this is because of a shift of control.

So why should you care about this shift in control?

Udemy did this and will grow in proportion like the App market, iTunes market and Ebook market such as Amazon. This is just the starting point of what is coming, and you are right now experiencing:

  • The ebook boom of online courses
  • The app boom of online courses
  • The music boom of online courses

All of these booms had three things in common. They were all controlled markets (gaming industry, music industry and publishing industry) and went to the masses. Secondly, they were all expensive and now are very cheap (apps for $1.99, music for $0.99 and ebooks for $2.99). Finally, they are all available to the masses with just a tab, smartphone or laptop/computer (all equipment we have at home).

What about the buyers? Who will buy this?

Now comes the greatest question of them all. Everyone always say, knowledge equals power. And yes you are right! We have heard a lot about the baby boomers. Now it is time to focus on a new generation. Many people call them the millennials and Generation Y. Their main characteristic is that they are ALL DIY-ers. This means they love to learn how to do it themself. Google even optimize SEO just to make sure that all search queries and all pages with “HOW TO” get a significant benefit.

Google is ready, your customers are ready, the platform is ready! What about you?

Are you ready to take this chance of a lifetime? All the lights are ready and they are on green. All you have to do is to push gas and go! However, you have to push the gas. You have to take action. Just do it now! Are you scared, confused or worried how to get started? Do not bother, we all are in life. Something new is something exciting but challenging. So what, if you just start with one single action a day? For today, we start with just one! Sign up for the Udemology Newsletter and receive all possible wonderful tips and advice to help you step by step. Just one step today and tomorrow again!

Let Udemology help you with you course! Sign up now.

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