Mft_Valid_Data_Length: 262144 (0x0000000000040000) Mft_Start_Lcn: 786 432 (0x00000000000c0000) Mft2_Start_Lcn: 2 (0x0000000000000002) Mft_Zone_Start: 786 496 (0x00000000000c0040) Mft_Zone_End: 837 664 (0x00000000000cc820) RM_Identifier: 04E578BF-2D2F-11DF-9782-18A9055883A2 But the nice thing here is being able to say PS C: \ Windows \ system32> (get-ntfsinfo e) .Bytes_Per_Cluster 4096 I then looped it to check the cluster size (what I really wanted) on each drive on the server. foreach ($ in Get-drive PSDrive | WHERE {$ _ -eq "File System"}) {if ($ .free drive -ne $ null) { "drive $ - $ (($ ntfsinfo get-drive. name) .bytes_per_cluster) "}} gives output like: C - E 4096 - 4096 G - J 65536 - 4096 K - 4096 L - 4096 M - F 65536 - 65536 O - 65536 Q - 4096 S - T 65536 - 65536 Z - 4096 Let me know if you use it ...