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is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the comments.

The following question is from Shelley B:

“Does anyone have a recommendation for interactive distance education for home schoolers? Science or foreign language specifically? I am not interested in an entire online curriculum, just want to supplement.”

If you have used an interactive science or foreign language program/service that utilizes Skype or other service, please tell us about it in the comments.
Heather Sanders Hi. I’m Heather, a freelance writer living in Huntsville, a smallish town on the tail-end of the East Texas Pineywoods. Twenty years ago, I married Jeff, the love of my life, and shortly after, we chose to “go forth and multiply.” We have three kids: Emelie, Meredith and Kenny. We homeschool. It's what we do, and it works for us. Tired of feeling overwhelmed, we recently "faithsized" our family into a 960 square foot lake cabin in need of renovation. I write at about faith and simplifying your desires so you can be content right here and right now (16) Follow Heather Sanders: Heather Sanders' blog:

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