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As Oregon moves forward with a dual language specialization for K-12 educator licenses, the OSU College of Education is expanding support for dual language education.  We hope to officially offer this specialization in the near future.  In the meantime, we are excited to announce two special topic courses for summer 2015: Spanish in the Community — This experiential-learning course exposes you to the cultural, social, linguistic, and political issues that are relevant to Latin@ communities in Oregon. It is designed to immerse you in the richness andcomplexity of Latin@ experiences. Biliteracy in the Schools — This Spanish/English bilingual course asks you to explore equity and bias in classroom language practices.  You will learn to leverage social and academic linguistic competencies to enhance literacy development.  Please explore this site to learn about these classes and our future plans.  Feel free to also contact Stacey Lee, ESOL Program Coordinator, for more information: or
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