
Learn Spanish Beverly Hills

I realize that some of you won’t be interested in reading about our curriculum choices for this year, but since I continually receive emails from gals asking about what books we like to use in our home school, I’m going to go ahead and share our list. If looking at our book list isn’t exciting to you, perhaps you would like to take a look at our ? Or maybe many of you will be interested in both? Because chocolate and books – aren’t those just two of the finest creations on the planet? Once I finally got all of our books organized, I decided to take a picture of our shelf. Enjoy it now – that shelf won’t look so organized after we start digging in. But we can pretend that it stays pretty like this. ;) The top shelf is Asa’s (grade 9), the middle shelf belongs to Justus and Elias (grades 6 and 4) and the bottom shelf is Malachi’s (grade 1). We’ve been schooling with Sonlight curriculum for all nine of our home schooling years – yes this begins our tenth! We love that Sonlight isliterature based and that we are able to explore and learn without using textbooks. Instead, we read both fiction and non-fiction books as we work our way through History, Science, Geography and Bible. In addition, we choose what Sonlight recommends for Readers (kids reading on their own) as well as Read-Alouds (parents reading to the kids). Here is a breakdown of our curriculum for this year: Asa (grade 9) , in which we will study Church History (I’m so excited!!!) and read through many literature classics. Shakespeare, Austen, C.S. Lewis – it’s gonna be a great year! Spanish (still haven’t decided – Rosetta Stone maybe?) Justus (grade 6) and Elias (grade 4) , in which we will study the Eastern Hemisphere and read about many other cultures and missionaries who have lived among these cultures. Reading – Sonlight book lists for and Science – using multiple science books from Sonlight, as well as others we have on hand, mainly to study animals (book 3 for Elias and book 5 for Justus) forJustus; for Elias (grade 6 for J; grade 4 for E) Malachi (grade 1) Some of ,  intro to World History Science with Justus and Elias, on a lesser scale, to learn about animals Reading – and other easy readers Getty Dubay Italic Handwriting grade 1 Next, I’ll share about our home school schedule for this year – stay tuned! I’d love to know what your kids will be studying this year (whether you home school or not!). Also, I need to know which you like better:  Books or Chocolate? I know, that is hardly a fair question. (And yes, your answer can be “chocolate with a side of books”).  
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