…and Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
– Mark 10:14
St. Brigid School runs on a quarterly academic schedule. Report cards will be made available electronically at the end of each quarter. Conferences are held annually in November and April. Of course, you are welcome to contact any of your child’s teachers whenever you have questions or concerns.
Children entering our 3-Year-Olds program must be toilet trained and 3 years old by October 15. This readiness program affords children the opportunity to become familiar with the school setting. Their program will include early interactive literacy and number concepts. These are taught using creative themed units such as Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales. The teachers facilitate both play and small group project time for optimal growth, both socially and academically.
Schedule overview for our 3-Year-Olds program:
8:15-8:30 Morning Meeting 8:30-9:30 Centers and Small Group Project 9:30-9:45 Snack 9:45-10:15 Story 10:15-10:35 Recess 10:45-11:10 Music and Movement 11:15-12:30 Lunch and Nap 12:30-12:50 Recess 1:00-1:20 Sounds and Symbols 1:20-2:20 Centers and Small Group Project 2:20 Clean-up, Story, Dismissal
“…a positive childhood experience.”
The Pre-K is a program designed for 4-year-olds to develop, grow, and share in early learning, as full members of our Catholic School. The program celebrates the Christ-like nature of every child and supports as well as envelops, each new family into membership of the St. Brigid School’s community. As members of our community students will engage in learning, which prepares them for transition into our full-day kindergarten program. St. Brigid Pre-K nurtures and supports the whole child through age appropriate integrated curriculum and child-centered educational experiences.
Each child is a unique unrepeatable gift of God, and we strive to enable each child to develop to her or his greatest potential. In an ever-changing, ever-challenging world, our school builds the foundation of basic knowledge that carries the students through their lifelong education.
Through the teaching of Gospel values and Catholic doctrine, each child recognizes his or her dignity as a member of the human family and treats all others regardless of race, creed, color, age, or gender with reverence and respect.
Dedicated, qualified teachers provide a safe supportive, caring and positive learning environment to Pre-K children. The primary goal is to ensure that each child feels safe and that there is a classroom environment where they are encouraged to explore, question and grow intellectually.
St. Brigid offers a safe and secure building with arrival/drop off for the Pre-K students taking place inside the classroom. All outside doors remain locked during the day. Visitors are required to sign in and report to the office. The classroom is equipped with a telephone, walkie-talkie, two exits with locking doors. All students must be signed in and out of the classroom when leaving with a parent. The emergency exit is located just outside of the classroom space.
Play is an essential form of learning in which a child works on ideas, puts them in practice, adapts socially and understands emotions. Recess, classroom centers and free-play offer opportunities for relationship building and social/emotional development.
After lunch the children enjoy recess and then a rest time. Motor table activities are then played with individual and specialized instruction.
Cooperative learning and gaming strategies to work together are encouraged with partners. These include sorting, matching, observing, classifying, and turn-over activities.
Spiritual/religious exploration and discovery use Old Testament stories of family, emotions, animals and nature. Seasonal religious holiday projects infuse the student with understandings about God and goodness. Daily prayer and involvement in school gatherings and liturgy is included.
Oral language is an important component of the Pre-K Program. The teacher engages students with curriculum materials, puppets, stories and themes to build early language skills for reading and math. Activities using eye/hand coordination include scissors, glue, crayons and paint to support expression, and oral language development.
Skills are taught to help them stretch, and learn about their bodies. Students learn songs with movement and dance, play with balls and other materials as a part of their physical discovery.
Teachers use positive and effective behavioral techniques to help children change and learn about their behavior as well as what acceptable behavior looks like. The student/teacher/parent roles are based on a relationship built on trust and respect. Teachers will be models of respect for students. Explaining things to develop understanding is a key of component of positive discipline.
The classroom itinerary is structured to meet a four-year-old’s natural interest and age appropriate abilities and includes:
Catholic doctrine and tradition, Bible study, social justice, preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Liturgical services for the school are held every Friday and on special religious holidays. Students also take part in the Diocesan program , the and .
Lanquage Arts
Reading, English, spelling, vocabulary, creative writing, library skills, and appreciation of literature.
Mathematic skills, pre-algebra, and Algebra I. Students going into Grade 8 take the Algebra Competency Placement Test in June. In order to allow teachers to meet students’ individual needs in mathematics instruction, students in Grades 6-8 are placed into math groups.
Grade 6
The 6th grade math teacher will place students into instructional math groups. Student math averages, ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) math stanine scores, and teacher recommendation based on observations of student skills, effort, and ability determine placement. All 6th grade math groups will complete the same curriculum. Each group may work at a different pace or be given different homework assignments or enrichment.
Grade 7
At the end of grade 6, students will be placed into instructional math groups according to their score on a placement test, their final math average, and teacher recommendation based on observation of student skills, effort, and ability. Students will be placed in either pre-algebra OR comprehensive math.
Grade 8
Students in 7th grade pre-algebra will be eligible to take the algebra placement test if meeting standard criteria. Students not eligible to take 8th grade algebra according to the criteria outlined above will be placed in pre-algebra.
Physical Education
Age appropriate physical fitness programs.
Spanish and Latin
Vocabulary common expressions, grammar, conversation and culture.
Social Studies
History, geography, economics, Maine state history and current events.
General sciences and laboratory experiences in grades 3 and up.
Students in Grades 3 through 8 are expected to submit handwritten work in cursive using the Zaner Bloser handwriting method unless a student’s Individual Service Plan indicates otherwise.
Fine Arts
Visual arts, crafts, liturgical music, musical instruments, band and choir.
Computer Literacy
Basic computer operation, keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, and integration with the rest of the curriculum.