
Learn Spanish Cakes

He always had his nose in a book.

Try these great pictures books for teaching your kids about idioms.

.  Wallace Edwards.  Kids Can Press, 2010. This elaborately illustrated picture book shows the literal meaning of common idioms. The book starts with a definition if idiom and ends with a list of the real meanings.  Picture Book.

.  Tedd Arnold.  Dial, 2004. The boy from Parts and More Parts is back with more worries about what is happening to his body.  He is the Amelia Bedelia of body parts.  Kids will love the gross humor.  Picture Book.

.  Marvin Terban.  Clarion, 2007. Explains and illustrates 30 common idioms.  Picture Book.

.  Vanita Oelschlager.  Vanita Books, 2011. Fifteen common food based idioms are humorously illustrated.  Includes an explanation of what the idiom really means as well as an example of it used in a sentence are useful teaching tools.  Picture Book. Read-aloud 3rd-5th grade

.  Marvin Terban.  Clarion, 2007. 100 common idioms are divided into categories such as colors, animals, body parts.  Reference Book.

.  Wallace Edwards.  Kids Can Press, 2004. The fabulous illustrations set this book apart.  The idioms portrayed are common, but the artwork gives them new life.  I love the octopus who is wearing eight shoes and trying to “put his best foot forward.”  Picture Book.

.  Tedd Arnold.  Dial, 2001. “Give him a hand”, “hold your tongue”, are examples of body part idioms cause a boy to worry about what will happen to his body.  Wild and zany!  Picture Book.

.  Denise Brennan-Nelson.  Sleeping Bear Press, 2004. Illustrations show what kids might be thinking when their teachers use idioms, provers and other expressions.  Explanations and sources of sayings are given.  Picture Book.

.  Marvin Terban.  Scholastic Reference, 2006. An alphabetical list of more than 700 idioms with definitions and origins.  Reference Book.

.  Loreen Leedy.  Holiday House, 2003. Leedy’s very funny literal art makes this a very lively book including idioms, similes, metaphors and proverbs.  Organized by animal.  Picture/Reference Book.

.  Serge Bloch.  Sterling, 2010. A boy tells a humorous story that uses 31 food related idioms.  Off beat artwork gives the literal interpretation, combining color photos with pen and ink drawings.  Picture Book.

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