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is a network of Italian native tutors teaching on Skype. We are committed to providing an authentic experience to all the Italian culture and language enthusiasts out there. Since 2012 we have given hundreds of students worldwide the chance to learn Italian on Skype. What we offer you:  a network of speaking different languages (English, French, Russian, German..)  one-to-one Italian classes on Skype that are designed with your learning goals and needs in mind  affordable prices (contact us for more info)  FREE trial lesson  learning materials constant support and assistance the comfort of studying at your place! With whom will you Learn Italian on Skype?   Book a trial lesson! What are you waiting for? Don’t miss the chance to learn Italian on Skype with us!

Serena is the founder of She holds an MA in Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics; she loves language education and meeting people from all over the world (which happens everyday thanks to Skype!). She can speak English, French and Russian. Her mission is to provide the best Italian experience possible to all the readers of

Vincenzo has recently joined in December 2013 as a contributor and certified Italian teacher. Born in beautiful Bari, he graduated in Arabic and Hebrew  and has recently completed an MA at Ca’ Foscari Venice University. He was awarded several scholarships to study abroad: he lived in Spain, Tunisia and the US.  He has published a poetry book entitled Canzoni della Passione and can speak English, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic and a little French. He is currently teaching Italian at Northcote High School in Melbourne.

What our students say:


“Serena is an excellent teacher and her passion for teaching and conveying her knowledge really shows. She is also great at making the learning process less daunting and more fun, finding a good balance between making me feel comfortable as a student but also pushing me and my abilities. I would wholeheartedly recommend Serena as a teacher.”

ALEXEY, Russia

“I’ve tried to study Italian myself many times and failed due to many different reasons. Finally I realized that I need a teacher and that was my big fortune to meet Serena. Her lessons give me great foundation to keep my efforts in learning Italian. She teaches with passion and patience. Every lesson she gives is full of joy and life. No matter how good I’ve prepared for the lesson Serena does everything to level up my Italian at the every single lesson. Even when I’m in frustration and can’t find what to say she turns things in a way when I can do more than I could. Add to this that my English, language we use on lessons, is not as good as I need to explain what I want to say and you will realize why I like her lessons so much. Serena gives me the trully confedence that the day I say ‘Parlo italiano perfetto’ will become really soon.”

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