
Learn Spanish Clapham

Summer Camp is a Ministry of the Presbytery’s Education & Training Ministry Team

Summer Camp Dates for 2016 are June 20-25 Theme: Fearless Faith

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.  Matthew 28:19-20

All camps begin at 4:00 p.m.

Photos from 2015

Family Camp Primary Camp Elementary Camp Youth Camp Junior Leadership Camp T-Shirt

Jean Brietenhirt Scholarship Fund

A limited number of scholarships for Savannah Presbytery Summer Camping Ministry are provided through the Jean Brietenhirt Memorial Scholarship Fund. For many years Jean served Savannah Presbytery and its children with love and grace as she coordinated the summer camp ministry. Her love and devotion to young people is still felt today. To apply complete this  along with your regular registration.

To donate to the fund, please mail donations to the Presbytery Office with Jean Brietenhirt written in the memo line.

Through our camping program we strive to help participants grow in love for God and neighbor through worship, Bible study, recreation, art and Christian fellowship. Would you like to see some photos from 2013 camp?


Alumni Camp Graduated Seniors through College The Hallowed Halls of Camp Ebenezer are calling for its alumni daughters and sons to come back home!  For years Savannah Presbytery has offered a summer camp experience for the youth in the Presbytery, and now, we want to invite our college-aged campers back for a one-night reunion!  The experience will begin at supper on Friday, June 26 and end after lunch on Saturday, June 27.  Our best publicity will be our alumni spreading the word far and wide to all of those who have slept amongst the Spanish Moss and killed a mosquito or two.  This one night event will be for college-aged alumni.  Watch for more details!  Put out the word! Let’s have a grand reunion! If you would like to participate in planning the event, please contact Proctor Chambless at FPC Waycross (478/595-2540)

Junior Leadership Development Resident Camp Rising 11th grader through Graduated Seniors Space in this camp is extremely limited and we may not be able to accommodate all applicants. JLD Resident Camp will include opportunities for young people to learn and exercise leadership skills during Elementary, Primary and Family Resident Camps at New Ebenezer. Under adult supervision, JLD Campers will work with and at times lead younger campers during crafts, recreation, swim time, worship, Bible study, etc. JLD campers will also work together as a group to learn how to teach recreation and Bible study, lead and plan worship, and group building.

Youth Resident Camp Rising 7th graders – graduated 12th grade Youth camp is a high energy mix of fun, fellowship, and friendship as campers eat, play, learn, worship, and engage in mission work together. This year we will spend time in camp, do a mission project in Savannah, and take a trip to Summer Waves on Jekyll Island!

Elementary Resident Camp Rising 5th & 6th graders Elementary campers get to enjoy a wide variety of camping fun. We start each day with morning prayer, then hit the ground running! At camp we have Bible study, art-n-crafts, a talent show, and dance. We swim, hike, canoe, play games, and fish. At night we have special activities like a camp fire and crazy olympics.

Primary Resident Camp Rising 3rd & 4th graders At Primary camp we fill our days with Bible Study, arts and crafts, swimming, hiking, canoeing, fishing, and recreation. We fill our evenings with more great activities including group games and a talent show, so bring your skits, skills, and talents to camp to show your friends!

Family Camp Rising 1st & 2nd graders & Parents Family camp is an exciting overnight activity designed to introduce our youngest campers to our camping program. Parents and children will participate in camping basics: Bible time, arts-n-crafts, games, and swimming. Remember, children must be accompanied by at least one parent!

A Typical Day At Camp

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 A.M. Celebration 9:30 Bible Study 10:30 Swimming 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Quiet Time 2:00 Crafts 3:00 Canoe 4:00 Swim 5:30 Dinner 6:30 Recreation (talent show, dance, crazy Olympics) 8:30 Vespers

learn spanish 8th grade     learn spanish in 5 days