
Learn Spanish Coral Springs

Lone Star College-Kingwood Spanish Distance Learning Intermediate Spanish II SUMMER 2012 Prof.Baralt

This Distance Learning Spanish Course is designed  for very disciplined, self-motivated and organized students who are willing to take responsibility for their own learning. The course is designed to motivate the student to acquire, in progressive stages, intermediated communicative proficiency – oral, aural, reading and writing skills-as well as cultural awareness. It emphasizes intermediate to advanced level written, oral and aural practice and includes: intermediate to advanced principles of grammar *, using those grammar principles to expand writing skills, reading culturally-oriented material, listening comprehension and interactive exercises based on online activities. * Students in this class must have prior knowledge of basic rules of Spanish language, especially: proper verb conjugation (present tense, preterit and imperfect, specially the irregular verb conjugation); placing proper diacritical accents in Spanish words and correct spelling ( words without accent mark areconsidered wrong in Spanish language!)

COURSE TITLE: Intermediate  Spanish II COURSE: Spanish 2312.2W001

INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Marilia Amat- Baralt E-mail: Blog: Office hours: online, by appointment  (via skype, facetime, or chat room ) Once the class has started, I expect students to use the course e-mail as a communication tool. If for any reason you cannot access your online course you may send me a message via College e-mail (above).

DEAN AND / OR CONTACT INFORMATION DEPARTMENT CHAIR: Dominic Bongiorni Tel: 281-312-1623 Email:

Elena Cataldo Tel:  281-312-1505 Email: REQUIRED MATERIAL You are required to purchase a textbook and an access code for this class. ( this access code corresponds to your electronic workbook) Textbook: Alianzas+iLrn  : – ISBN 9781111698751 Publisher: Heinle CENGAGE Learning Pub. Date: 2012 edition

ATENCIÓN: An access card (book key) is required to complete online activities ( iLrn) ( A book key is a code that grants you access to an online book. The book key may come prepackaged with a new textbook, or may be bought separately. A course code – provided by your Instructor – allows your Instructor to track your progress through the book and to assign grades. Your Instructor will provide you with a course code.

Online Dictionary is highly recommended: My suggestions are: 1. Diccionario de la 2. Dictionary English/Spanish online : 3. Diccionario español/español : SOFTWARE PIRACY Law strictly prohibits unauthorized copying of software purchased by LSCS for use in laboratories. Administration will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone violating copyright laws.

COMPUTER VIRUS PROTECTION Computer viruses are, unfortunately, a fact of life. Using storage media on more than one computer creates the possibility of infecting computers and diskettes with a computer virus. This exposes the computers of the campus, your personal computer, and any others you may be using to potentially damaging viruses. The campus has aggressive anti-virus procedures in place to protect its computers, but cannot guarantee that a virus might not temporarily infect one of its machines. It is your responsibility to protect all computers under your control and use and ensure that each storage devices you use, whenever or wherever you use it, has been scanned with anti – virus software. Since new viruses arise continually, your anti – virus software must be kept current. And, since no anti – virus software will find every virus, keeping copies of data (backups) is extremely important.

ATTENDANCE This course requires discipline in the learning process. It is not an independent study. There are specific dates when assignments are due and these must be strictly followed. A student who is absent for two consecutive weeks MAY be dropped from the course. A student is considered absent if he/she has not entered the course at all during that time and has not communicated with the instructor or submitted any work during said time. Regular attendance is essential for the development of language skills. Even though this is an online class, you are required to check your online course (e-mail, discussion board, your assignment tools, etc) at least every other day. Spanish will be reinforced since first day of class. You must always have an online Spanish dictionary link open as you work on your assignments. At no time should you use online translation. If there is a case a student is using online translation, his/her grade for such assignment will be a zero. It is your

GRADES All grades will be posted online. Some assignments take longer to be corrected, so expect a few days after your assignment is completed to have your grade posted. Final grade will be posted online. A grade of 89 still corresponds to a B. Check the grade scale below if during the semester you have any question about the grading system for this class.

GRADING System and 90 -100 iLrn Homework 20% 80- 89 B tests 30% C 70- 79 Discussions: 15% C 60-69 Final Exam: 35% below 59- F

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