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Pupils entering into S3 French will be completing their broad general education, with the option to continue onto a certificate course in S4. As such, the S3 course is fun, but with a serious edge, in order to prepare pupils for the rigours of S4.

Pupils learn to develop all four skills (reading, listening, talking and writing), with a keen focus on grammatical accuracy and language creation.

The four main contexts of language that we will study are Society, Culture, Education and Employability. In order to focus learning, we target these key topic areas in S3 French:

– Where I Live

– Friends, Family and Relationships, including Household Chores

– Free Time and Technology

– Holidays

In addition to this, pupils will carry out a short research project on a subject of their choice pertaining to holidays. At the end of this short project, they will make a brief presentation in French – allowing them to develop excellent life skills for the future!

Some useful vocab from the .

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