
Learn Spanish Delhi

Your free  includes a full working copy of Byki Express, to learn your chosen language. There are no time or session limits. Byki is personalized and designed to expand your immediate vocabulary. It is presented in an engaging flash-card interface, and it tracks everything you learn to present the appropriate material at just the right time.

 is currently composed of real audio files (which are around 15 minutes each) and online student notes. It also includes a collection of collaborative learning tools and an online Greek dictionary and a Greek spell checker.

 has a great collection of language courses available for free. They have extensive courses in French, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, German, Italian, Portuguese, and a “” of essential phrases in 40 languages.

  •  as a story presented in pictures, sound, and text.
  •  has been organized for use in short sessions that you can fit around your own schedule.
  •  is taught here as an interactive video drama and Spanish course called Mi Vida Loca. It takes you on an intriguing mystery adventure to Madrid. There are 22 episodes, about 10 min each, covering basic learning points for Spanish absolute beginners. You can go through the vocabulary and grammar in more detail and at your own pace, then complete various activities for practice.
  •  will introduce you to simple, spoken Spanish language to help you order meals, introduce yourself, and other things for helping you travel in Spanish-speaking areas.

 has many free downloads, which vary from time to time. As I am typing this, there are 86 free audio files. Most of these are introductory units and if you like it you can purchase more lessons. Some of them are also ESL learning. It’s a good way to get your feet wet in a language for free. Learn Out Loud has lessons in Chinese, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, and several other languages too!

For another ESL resource, check out . The American English course has 40 units, which include basic conversation dialogue as well as more complicated “short talk” sessions with a quiz to check for understanding.

 teaches Latin! For FREE! I’ve looked at many paid homeschool curriculum options and couldn’t quite decide on what o buy, so we haven’t done any. I’m so thrilled to find a free Latin class online. There is no need to buy a book if you can make do with the digital copies online. It also has to help your brain process the language in its natural order. It is all at no charge to you, however, they will accept and appreciate a $5 donation at the podcast page if you feel inclined to do that.

learn spanish 7 days     learn spanish 5