What they’re saying about us… “The book would make the ideal text for a short course on data management and presentation – it truly packs an amazing amount of wisdom and wit between slim covers.” “This command-line interface is part of what makes R wonderful, but also what can make it intimidating to get started on. Blowing away any feeling of intimidation is what this book is about.” “A final strength of this book is that it does not try to do too much, its aim is to get you comfortable with R, not to teach you new statistical methodologies.” , by Graeme D. Ruxton, University of St. Andrews
“I’ve honestly got to say that it has been extremely helpful in my reacquaintance with R! I found the conversational and colloquial tone of the manuscript very effective in getting points across to the inexperienced R user (ie. me). In the past, referring to other R textbooks has left me feeling even more bewildered and confused than I originally was, as they all seem to assume that the inexperienced reader knows everything there is to know about R before they’ve consulted the book, whereas your manuscript explains everything SIMPLY from the start (I found this very important as I had very little, if any, remembrance of using R) in a very easy-to-follow and laid-back fashion. I found the lack of confusing and technical terms, and the conversational tone of the book an extremely helpful method in getting to understand R again.
The explanations of WHY certain commands and steps were done in R was a novel touch, as I don’t ever remember any other R textbook I’ve studied explain why they’ve done certain things.
I felt like I had constant help and guidance throughout the whole book, rather than feeling I was left alone to figure things out.”
-Vi Nugyen (Graduate Student)
I agree absolutely with the authors claims that most people want to learn R, and are put off by the steepness of the learning curve. A book that could help people up that curve would be very popular. -REviewer 5
The book is timely and relevant to a large number of courses being taught -Reviewer 7
The way that the book is set up is good from the perspective of the things you are probably going to be doing in R….R is very task oriented -Reviewer 7
“I thought the course was excellent and wish I’d started using R five years ago. Thank you!” “Very, very helpful. Saved me about a year of my PhD!” Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal (20-22 April 2009)
“… A brilliant demonstration of what multivariate methods are good for and how to implement them in R…” Andy Hector, Zurich University.
“This is the best course I’ve been on in the last 5 years.” Durham Anthropology and Biology (10-12 March 2008)
“Spanish…” Faculty of Natural Science and Oceanography, Universidad de Concepción, Chile (20-22 April 2009)
"It was a great opportunity for students and teachers can attend this course in Brazil. His philosophy allows someone to learn the R intuitively and realize its many powerful tools. The course allows someone to have a smooth transition of statistical programs driven menus for R. "Marco Battle, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil (12th Nov 2008)