
Learn Spanish For Physical Therapists

Games to use with an Interactive Whiteboard

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For any teachers looking for some games to use in the classroom with an interactive white board this site may be useful. It’s designed for English (ESL) teachers to use in a mutli media type of calss to help engage English learners. There are a bunch of games you can use in class with students to entertain them. The content is quite similar to the games on this site and there is some overlap. The games are specifically designed for use with an interactive whiteboard with the students or teacher tapping the board to interact with the games. Most of the content can be used for the class as a whole with the teacher asking questions and then students winning points shown on the IWB game. For example there is a “Typhoon” type game where the teacher asking students questions and then students can choose a square to reveal a number of points won. Other games are designed for students to play individually or in pairs against each other. The site is quite basic with just a background and threeicons on the left. The three icons show the different types of content with the first being games to play as a whole class. Tapping the first icon shows some games and then tapping on a game icon will load that game. The games load and display in a new window on the webpage. This window can be expanded to fill the whole screen to make it easier for students to see. Most of the content has music which begins playing at the start. The idea being that this can engage the students and grab their attention. Most of these games can be downloaded from this page or from this link here. Hope you can have fun playing with this content.
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