Well it’s come round quick hasn’t it?? The last but one day of our advent competition is here, and today we’ve got something perfect for keeping the little ones amused after the fun of opening presents is over.
Most of us will at some point feel guilty about the amount of television we let our kids watch, but the Christmas holidays are the time when slobbing out on the sofa under a duvet is absolutely the done thing!
Today’s lucky winner will receive two fab DVDs:
Timmy Time – we all love a bit of Timmy don’t we? Otherwise known as the little lamb with a lot to learn… (I challenge you to get the theme tune out of your head now!). This DVD – ‘‘ – contains eight whole episodes of Timmy Time fun!
Learn a new language – they say that the earlier the better when it comes to learning languages, so we’ve got a DVD to help your little one learn Spanish, from . It’s suitable from six months, so what are you waiting for? You could have your own bilingual tot in no time!
To enter, simply leave a comment telling me what your favourite ever Christmas film is.
Good luck