The newest tenant of the Belroy Apartments will be open for business on Bellevue Ave this weekend. Just look for the giant cedar. And some pretty solid Spanish-style sandwiches. UPDATE: It’s open and ready for business as of Thursday morning. Enjoy!
Chico Madrid, created by partners Jacob Daley and Franz Gilbertson of Ballard’s Honore Bakery and espresso-powered by Capitol Hill caffeine and pie slinger Dani Cone, has plans to open — *probably* Friday morning — in its 800 and change square-foot retail space in the newly re-opened Belroy Apartments at, yes, Bellevue and Roy.
The Mallet contractors-built Jacob Daley-built(!) cafe is highlighted by its tile-covered horseshoe counter behind which a whirl of espresso pulling, wine pouring, bocadillo and bikini building and charcuterie slicing will take place. You’ll also find a ready to pour sangria dispenser.
[mappress mapid=”10″]In December, CHS told you about Daley and Gilbertson’s Euro travels-inspired .
“So, Franz and I were friends since high school,” Daley tells CHS. “And we had a mutual friend living in Spain. We traveled all around the country. At every mom and pop neighborhood cafe, we found this ubiquitous sandwich.”
The new cafe adds to the food and drink offerings in the immediate area as the Lookout has long held down the fort just down the street. You can also pair it with the and equally compact Bar Cotto up on 15th Ave for a trendy wave of small-footprint establishments. Add The Wandering Goose to that list, too.
The Chico Madrid menu runs from the sandwiches layered with chorizo and manchego to Spanish tortilla to pan con chocolate. Offerings like pickled carrots, almonds and olives can round out your counter space or help fill one of the few tables inside. Hours run 7 AM to 10 PM Sunday through Thursday, 7 to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
You can learn more at .
Meanwhile, on Hilltop… Spain, above — earlier this week, . As for France, there was some small hope that Bakery Nouveau Capitol Hill would be ready by Easter. Easter comes pretty darned early this year. Nouveau’s William Leaman told CHS this week his buildout is on target for a mid-April opening in its new home near 15th and John. You can read more about , here.
What’s that? Your globalist nature draws you to Latin American flavors? You’re in luck. Newest addition to Broadway Cintli is also set to debut with a RSVP-required grand opening — we’ll check in with them and let you know if the cafe and art gallery on Broadway next to American Apparel will be open to the public this weekend. You can read here.