
Learn Spanish Free Online In 50 Days

Scheme of work

This Scheme of Work was originally developed in Enfield between 2005 and 2011 by a team of primary teachers, led by Jan Wilson. It was based around the original Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages, and took into account the QCDA materials. It has been extensively amended since the publication of the new Programme of Study for Key Stage 2 in 2013 and has been adopted as the Scheme of Work for the Hackney Learning Trust.  It is designed to be used by all those teaching Spanish at Key Stage 2 and to give additional support to  non-specialist teachers and TAs and adapted by schools to suit their own needs.  Year 3 units are 1-6, year 4 units are 7-12, year 5 units are 13-18 and year 6 units are 19-22.  At the end of each unit you will find resources that are referred to in the lesson plans.  There are also details of resources, especially songs and video clips, within the lesson plans themselves.  This Scheme of Work now delivers all the requirements of the new Programme of Study for KeyStage 2. Yr 3 – units 1-6 Geography and where the language is spoken; greetings; questions and answers re name and wellbeing; classroom commands; numbers 1-20 Age; months; numbers 21-31. 1st person singular activity verbs; birthday; colours Question and answer re who you are and who someone else is; body parts; days of the week; traditional song. Likes/dislikes with nouns and infinitives. Dates; family; brothers and sisters and names/ages; pets Yr 4 – units 7-12 Transport to school and Spanish speaking countries; weather; compass points; sentence construction; traditional song Likes/dislikes with hobbies; love/hate Sleeping Beauty story; numbers in 10s; grammar in story Playing sports; food and opinions; diary of activities; healthy lifestyle; traditional tongue twisters Give simple descriptions of animals using a variety of adjectives; tell the time on the hour; produce role-plays that include language about animals’ habitats; learn how to say the town you live in and ask someone elsethe question Describe the weather; say clothes worn in different weathers; give weather reports; understand a fable; learn a traditional song; understand a traditional poem Yr 5 – units 13-18 Learn new food/drink items in different contexts; say whether items are (un)healthy; extend answers about likes/dislikes of items with connectives; engage in role-plays about items in the present and past (preterite) tenses; understand the Spanish version of The Hungry Caterpillar Discuss musical preferences with extended answers that include adjectives and connectives; say musical instruments played; practise role-plays in a shop; learn an adaptation of the song ‘I Am the Music Man’; explore rhythm; work in groups to create a rap for a performance Learn to say the alphabet using the names of Spanish speaking countries; understand and use names for places in local area to follow and give directions; describe local area with adjectives and simple opinions; say places that are in local areaLearn new and revisit familiar language – nouns, verbs and adjectives – to describe a well-known Spanish  beach scene painting; use  knowledge gained to read simple beach scene poems aloud;  manipulate language to write own poems  inspired by the painting. Learn the seasons through an authentic song and authentic poems; practise rhyming words and revisit colours, months and weather to write descriptive sentences; create poems to consolidate and celebrate  work on the seasons. Learn to name and describe the planets; construct complex sentences using verbs, nouns, adjectives, qualifying adverbs, connectives and prepositions; consolidate knowledge of the planets in a display at end of unit. Yr 6 – units 19-22 Learn places in school; revise the time on the hour and extend this to other times; learn to talk about subjects studied at school and school timetables; talk about what they did, e.g. at break time the previous day; create sentences describing these activities in the past(preterite) tense. Learn about continents and their main rivers; read and understand short texts about some rivers of the world, including the Amazon river in South America; summarize key facts into a chart; revise weather in the present tense; learn how to say what the weather is going to be like; read and understand a text about the Guadalquivir river in Spain;  prepare and write a similar text about the Thames river, in the form of an exploratory journey that will take place in the future. Spanish café and food/drink; café role play; ordering an icecream; milkshake recipe Yr 6/7 transition unit based on a newspaper report    

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