Learn basic Spanish online in 10 minutes with our amazing lesson. Here you will learn the Spanish Alphabet, Numbers 1-1000 and Greetings.
In the following table you will learn the Spanish alphabet with pronunciation tips. Important! The pronunciation found below is useful only to pronounce the individual letters, we do not recommend to use the pronunciation tips that we provide in the table below when you want to pronounce a Spanish word.
Note! The letters K and W appear almost exclusively in words of foreign origin, such as karate or kilowatt.
Learning the Spanish numbers, can be more than useful in countless situations, e.g: when we tell the time, when we speak about age, when we talk about distances, when we talk about money and prices, when we make measurements… For this reason, lessons about numbers in any language, will always be among the first lessons that you will learn.
Because almost any counting starts with the number one and among you may be someone who is wondering how is the number zero called in Spanish, for all of you who have the same question, the number zero in Spanish is called cero and it’s pronounced say-ro, like the word say and the first two letters from the English word row.
Second step is to learn how to count from 31 to 99 in Spanish.
Numbers in Spanish from 31 to 99 are formed according to the following pattern: tens y units. e.g: treinta y cinco (thirty-five), cincuenta y ocho (fifty-eight), ochenta y tres (eighty-three).
The letter y is used to separate tens from units only for numbers between 31 to 99 (131 to 199, 231 to 299, 331 to 399…) it is not used to separate tens from hundreds or hundreds from thousands.
The most important thing to remember from this second table are the names of the tens. Since you already know the numbers from 1 to 30, this second table will start from 31.
Pay extra attention to numbers sesenta (sixty) and setenta (seventy) because they can be easily confused. All the exact tens from 30 to 90 end in ‘-nta‘.
The third step is learning how to count from 100 to 1000 and also how to count 1000s in Spanish.
With some small exceptions, all the rules that you have learned so far about Spanish numbers, are also applied to hundreds and thousands, the small differences are maid by the numbers: quinientos (five hundred), setecientos (seven hundred) and novecientos (nine hundred).
An easily observed pattern, for the numbers between 100 and 1000, is that all the exact hundreds from 200 to 900 end in ‘-ientos‘.
When and How to use the Spanish numbers:
In Spanish there is a short form of the number one hundred (ciento), this shortened form is used only when the number is before a noun and it’s exactly one hundred (ciento), e.g: cien dólares.
Some numbers in Spanish when are prior to a noun, they change their form according to the noun gender. Spanish numbers that are changing according to the noun gender, are:
- One (one): masculine - A / feminine - A
– numbers ending in one (uno): when you have to change the form of a number ending in one (uno) you will need to change only the form of the final one (uno) according to the noun gender, the rest of the number remains the same.
– all the exact hundreds between 200 and 900, change their final ‘-ientos‘ to ‘-ientas‘ when the noun gender is feminine, e.g: masculine – cuatrocientos / feminine – cuatrocientas
– all the numbers which have in their spelling form one of the exact hundreds between 200 and 900: when you have to change the form of a number which has in his spelling form one of the exact hundreds between 200 and 900, you will need to change, only the form of the exact hundreds between 200 and 900 according to the noun gender, the rest of the number remains the same, e.g: masculine – mil cuatrocientos ochenta y dos / feminine – mil cuatrocientas ochenta y dos
Punctuation of Spanish numbers:
Good day - Good morning (pronunciation: Boo-ehnos deeahs) Good evening - Buenas tardes (pronunciation: Boo-ehnas tar-days) Good night - Good night (pronunciation: Boo-ehnas nights) Hello - Hello (pronunciation: ola) What is your name? - What's your name? (Pronunciation: kwahl ays too nom-bray) What is your last name? - What is your last name? (Pronunciation: kwahl ays too ah-pay-eedoh) My name is ... - My name is ... (pronunciation: Mee nom-bray ays) My name is ... - My name is ... (pronunciation: Meh Eeah-moh) Glad to meet you - Nice to meet you (pronunciation: Ayn-kan-ta-doh dee coh-noh-cer-tee) Thank you - Thank You (pronunciation: Thank you) Thank you very much - Thank you (pronunciation: Moochas thanks) A warm welcome - A warm welcome (pronunciation: Oona ka-loo-rohsa byehn-behneeda) Welcome - Welcome (pronunciation: bee-ehn-behneedo) Goodbye - Goodbye (pronunciation: Goodbye) Goodbye - Goodbye (pronunciation: Despe-deeda) See you later - Upthen (pronunciation: antler looaygo) How are you? - How are you? (Pronunciation: ko-moh estahs) Very well, thank you - Okay, thanks (pronunciation: Mooee byehn thanks) Excuse me - Sorry (pronunciation: Pehr-don) Excuse me - excuse me (pronunciation: Dees-cool-PAY May) I apologize - I apologize (pronunciation: Meh dees-cool-poh) Please - Please (pronunciation: By fah-vor)
yes / no - yes / no (pronunciation: see / no) today - today (pronunciation: oy) tomorrow - tomorrow (pronunciation: mahnee-Ahnah) yesterday - yesterday (pronunciation: ay-ayr) Help - Help (pronunciation: Ay- oodah) I do not speak well Spanish - I do not speak good Spanish (pronunciation: not ablo byehn espah-neeol) I do not speak Spanish - I do not speak Spanish (pronunciation: not ablo espah-neeol) I do not understand - I do not understand (pronunciation: not een-tee-ayn-doh) can I ...? - may l…? (Pronunciation: poo-aydoh) I would like ... - I would ... (pronunciation: Meh goostah-reeah) Can you help me? - Can you help me? (Pronunciation: Meh aydays poo-ay-oodar)
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