
Learn Spanish Grammar With Spanishdict

This is a state-of-the-art educational platform specifically designed for Hispanic families living in the United States and Canada, and is also available to a world audience. It provides relevant and up to date content, most of it free, such as the hugely popular ESL course, self-study Microsoft Office courses, accounting, and financial literacy, GED preparation, civics and the road to college. This powerful portal has the capacity to offer an unlimited number of online courses in Spanish and the potential to propel Hispanic immigrants from the margins to the mainstream of society. Visit  * (Reach Higher and Succeed.)

> Click on the following examples (you will need to sign in only once:)

This free ESL course is one of our “best sellers.”

How to start and manage my business.

This guide to Spanish offers an interesting test prepared by the Cervantes Institute in Spain.

Learning Experience The learning experience that we offer must be a rewarding activity that allows parents to interact with computers at the schools and at home. The process relies on a user friendly curriculum, a powerful educational portal, well trained and motivated facilitators, and technology that is oblivious to the user.  > See example at the bottom of this page. The system has the following components:

• PACT Program* –a 32-hour hands-on online course in Spanish with Digital Learning and Financial Literacy courses.

• Superate y Triunfa* – an easy to use educational portal in Spanish where we offer over 100 courses in technology, business, health and wellness including the hugely popular free ESL course and self-study Microsoft Office free courses.

• A Learning Management System (LMS) to sign in and to keep track of our students’ performance and report cards using the GPA grading scale that most colleges and many high schools use.

• Google+ to allow in class and out of class communication between facilitators and their students, and among the students. It creates social capital as it reinforces social networks.

• Online entry and exit surveys to engage and learn from our students.

• Google Analytics that allows us to know what educational resources are being used, and how many visitors we have and from where.

• Facebook pages in English and Spanish to interact with our students after they graduate.

Example Diabetes is a painful and dangerous illness that affects large numbers of Hispanics. We bring awareness of it through Fecebook where we use funny and intriguing posts such as: “How many table spoons of sugar are there in a 12oz can of soda? The answer is 10. Your whole family should see the attached video.” Users are sent to the Health and Wellness section in Superate y Triunfa where we show a video in Spanish prepared by the American Diabetes Society and a link to the society’s website in Spanish. People learn and are compelled to take action. > Clic on the image below to see the tutorial in English.

Superate y Triunfa PACT Program are ® Registered Trademarks of Parents Alliance, Inc.

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