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General Curriculum Information   Clyst Vale Community College provides a broad and balanced curriculum, closely aligned to the new National Curriculum (NC) at KS3, whilst offering a wide range of qualifications at KS4 and KS5. There have been changes more recently, to cater for a wider range of abilities, detailed below. Our over-riding philosophy is that we will always support students to make appropriate choices, in order to ensure that we have the right students gaining the most appropriate qualifications for them.   {slide=KS3}  KS3 All subjects offer courses in Y7, 8 and 9 that broadly follow the NC. However, in the last 3-4 years there has been less emphasis on following this so closely. Thus many areas have increasingly designed Modules that are interesting, accessible and relevant to our students whilst remaining broadly in line with NC. Some continue to use adapted NC published Schemes of Work, whilst others have re-designed programmes from scratch. All subject areas areensuring that these equip students with the specific skills required for KS4, including the new GCSE courses starting in 2015. There has been a long-standing commitment to offering Drama, which is not a NC subject. Academy ‘freedoms’ have led to curriculum developments such as Performing Arts, Humanities (Y7), Read to Learn and Enterprise which is now part of the new Course 42. This covers all aspects of Personal, Social and Health Education, and includes Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.   Students follow the following Courses in Y7-9:- Year 7 English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Beliefs and Values, Spanish, French, Course 42 (PSHE) PE, Computing & Digital Media, Design Technology, Food, Art, Performing Arts, Read to Learn Year 8 English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Beliefs and Values, Spanish or French, Course 42 (PSHE),PE, Computing & Digital Media, Design Technology, Food, Art, Music, Drama Year 9 English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Beliefs andValues (GCSE), Spanish or French, Course 42 (PSHE), PE, Computing & Digital Media, Design Technology, Food, Art, Music, Drama  {/slide} {slide=KS4} KS4   Level 2 Courses – A comparatively wide range of GCSEs, plus a range of more accessible qualifications, targeted at some students, which are all equivalent to GCSE, but offer a more vocational element and learning style. We encourage students to take the range of courses that will qualify them for the EBacc. All students follow GCSE courses in History or Geography (current Y10 onwards) and Beliefs and Values (RS) Level 1 – Gateway –  L1 qualifications aimed at supporting our most vulnerable students through their time at school. Some other subjects offer a L1 Certificate for those students who cannot access a L2 qualification, and we have coursed a  small number of students on to Exeter College Level 1 Vocational Courses. Students follow the following Courses in Y10-11 Year 10 Core – English (Literature and Language), Maths, Science(Double or Triple), Beliefs and Values, PE, plus – either History or Geography plus – 3 more options from a wide range of courses – details available in our Y9 Options booklet plus Course 42 topics taught in collapsed timetable days A small number of students follow a more personalised curriculum, suited to their needs. Year 11 Core – English (Literature and Language), Maths, Science (Double or Triple), Beliefs and Values, PE, plus – 4 more options from a wide range of courses – details available in our Y9 Options booklet plus Course 42 topics taught in collapsed timetable days A small number of students follow a more personalised curriculum, suited to their needs. {/slide} {slide=Post 16} KS5- Post 16 at Clyst Vale   The Post-16 curriculum offers a wide range of courses leading to Higher Education and employment.  We offer Level 3 AS/A2/BTEC qualifications.  Students have the advantage of working within an intimate and supportive environment that is also challenging and stimulating.Please follow this . The Post-16 curriculum offers a comprehensive tutorial and enrichment programme enabling our Post-16 students to make the transition from college to the adult world knowing that they have had an excellent start to their future careers. Level 3 Courses Students are required to study at least 3 subjects.  BTEC Level 3 These are vocational qualifications in which students develop deep, specialist, practical skills and understanding.  The work is assessed through coursework, case studies and presentations; there are no examinations.  They have an A level equivalence and allow progression to university.  UCAS points are awarded for the BTEC course (a Distinction is equivalent to an A, a Merit to a C and a Pass to an E at A level).  They can be taken as well as, or in place of, A levels. Entry Requirements Students will be expected to have an average GCSE point score of at least 40 and 5 ‘A*-C grades’ at GCSE.  A grade ‘B’ in the subject you intend to study at A level isadvisable.  Please refer to the subject specific guidance.  GCSE Opportunities for Full Time Post-16 Students Students who do not have a minimum of a ‘C’ grade in English Language and Mathematics GCSE must now re-take these qualifications. Complementary Curriculum All Post-16 students take part in a complementary curriculum, which aims to help students develop a broader perspective with opportunities to exercise leadership, assume responsibility and develop interests.  The programme takes place through the tutorial session and through enrichment activities throughout the year.   Some of the key elements are:- Compulsory Enrichment ‘The Bude Experience’ Careers & UCAS Guidance Programme of Talks Additional Courses and Opportunities Peer Mentoring Community Sports Leader Award (CSLA) Young Enterprise Subject Support Maths Workshop Work Experience Sport & Recreation Special Events {/slide}   If you have further questions about our curriculum please email Mr Green  *protected email* If youhave further questions about the options process please email Mr Colin   *protected email*   If you wish to find more detailed information regarding individual courses, please follow this to Subjects or click on the Subjects option on the home page.

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