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Audacity® is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds. Audacity is available for , , and other operating systems. Check our , and .
Jan 20th, 2016: Audacity 2.1.2 Released Audacity 2.1.2 replaces all previous versions. We’ve made several improvements to the spectrogram view of tracks which are particularly valuable for vocal work. Thanks to Paul Licameli. New option ‘Spectral Reassignment’. This algorithm deduces a ‘finer’ spectrogram for vocal work. Improvements to Pitch (EAC) – cleaner (sharper) display. Spectrogram Settings are now available per-track. We put a lot of work into upgrading the key wxWidgets library we use from version 2.8.12 to version 3.0.2. This fixes many bugs in Audacity on Linux. Thanks particularly to Martin Steghöfer, Leland Lucius, David Avery. Because there was so much work involved in moving to wx3 we were unable to make many of the other changes we wanted to make for 2.1.2. Fuller details on the changes since 2.1.1 can be found in the