
Learn Spanish In Guelph Ontario

Lesson Overview: Scholars will go over the Spanish regular –AR verbs pattern and conjugate –AR verbs in the present tense in different activities.

Resources or Materials Needed: SMARTboard, projector, Mac, iPads, Skitch App, speakers, PowerPoint with supporting multimedia, KWL chart, whiteboards, chart paper, sharpies, dry-erase markers, Rubric for Task Completion / Group Role / Participation, Conjugation Back song, online subject practice links, the -AR Verbs song and PowerPoint Slides, -AR Worksheet.

Lesson Standards:

    SPA: Listening and speaking are primary communicative goals in modern language learning. These skills are used for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action. SPA: Reading and writing are used in languages other than English for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action. ELA: Comprehend language consisting of simple vocabulary and structures in face-to-face conversation with peers and familiar adults.

Lesson Objectives: Scholars will be able to demonstrate comprehension of verb conjugation concepts by conjugating Spanish common regular –AR verbs.

Time: 45 minutes (one period).

    Greeting and starting point: 2 minutes Learning objective: 1 minutes Do now: 3 minutes Focus questions: 1 minute Pre-instructional: 3 minutes Content presentation: 8 minutes Independent work: 5 minutes Group work: 15 minutes Extension activity (optional): 3 minutes Share out: 3 minutes Reflection: 2 minutes Copy homework: 2 minutes

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities:

    Teacher will start the class by greeting the students in Spanish according to the time of the day. For example, if it is morning: Buenos días. If it is afternoon: Buenas tardes. Teacher will ask a student to say the date of the day in Spanish. The date might be partially written on the white-erase board for student to complete the missing information. This will allow the teacher to access student’s knowledge on numbers, days, and months in Spanish. Teacher will ask another student to read the learning objective of the day out loud and clear enough for everybody to hear and understand. The Learning objective will be written on the white-erase board and screened at the SMARTboard to facilitate vision and learning for all student. Teacher will ask students to take their iPads and open “Skitch” app for an oral pop-quiz to assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject pronoun in the form discussed in the previous lesson. Teacher will provide feedback based on the answersprovided/shown on the iPad

Step 2: Content presentation:

    Teacher will highlight the lesson agenda’s by starting with an overview of the lesson’s focus questions. Teacher then will go over the –AR conjugation pattern according to the subject pronoun in a dynamic PowerPoint color-coded and with animation. Teacher will also discuss the “Verb Conjugation Process”, a step-by-step process on how to conjugate a –AR verb effectively. Then the teacher will demonstrate how the ending are applied to the infinitive ending for each subject pronoun. Teacher will ask students if they have any questions or misconceptions. Right after, teacher will play the “–AR Verb Conjugation Song”, a self-created song in a dynamic and creative PowerPoint slides in which each ending is sang, the infinitive ending is applied to the verb, showing a different verb for each individual subject pronoun.

Step 3: Learner Participation:

    Teacher will allow students to practice –AR verb conjugation independently and in groups by completing a worksheet specially designed for all students in a MS word document and formatted in PDF for them to work on it in their iPad. Students will be allowed to sign the “–AR Verb Conjugation Song”, for information retention. Students will review a list of –AR verb vocabulary for them to get familiar and be able to identify them as regular –AR verbs. Students will highlight the verbs that they can easily identify with. This technique will make a connection with the verb and their own interests. This technique will also help them memorize the verb under the –AR category. As soon as students finish with the independent work, they will work collaboratively to complete various exercises in a worksheet (-AR Worksheet) specially designed for all students. This worksheet is intended for students to put in practice the “Verb Conjugation Process”. As soon as the students finish the worksheet, theyhave an extension activity to complete: Construct 3 – 5 of your own Spanish sentences to show how the regular –AR verbs agree with the subjects in your sentences.

Share Out Task: Random groups will be selected to share out their focus questions responses.

    Each group will receive constructive criticism from their peers and their teacher to add on, to clarify misconceptions, and/or further the understanding of each concept. Share out Rubric:

4- Response is relevant and includes several supporting examples. Each aspect of the prompt is discussed.

3- Response is relevant and includes several supporting examples. One or more aspects of the prompt is missing.

2- Response is relevant and includes some examples. One or more aspects of the prompt is missing.

1- Response shows some irrelevance or missing aspects of the prompt. May or may not include examples.

0- No evidence of an attempt to respond.

Step 4: Assessment:

    Students will be assessed with a Rubric for Task Completion / Group Role / and Participation using a Google Form for this lesson to track their progress. Each rubric leveled from zero thru four. Zero being the lowest and four being the highest. Each student is encouraged to always remaining on a four by participating and collaborating in their group’s role, and participating in class. – Task Completion Rubric to indicate which task they completed successfully and monitor their progress.

4- I understood the requirements of the task. I completed all of the components.

3- I understood the requirements of the task. I completed most of the components.

2- I understood most of the requirements of the task. I completed a few of the components.

1- I did not really understand the components of the task. I attempted to complete at least one component.

0- I did not get started on the task.

    Students will also be assessed informally when they present their responses to the focus questions by determining whether they clearly understood the meaning of each concept, by the quality of their explanations/examples. Questions to consider:

i.     What is the basic difference between a regular verb and an irregular verb?

ii.     How can you determine if a sentence is constructed with the correct part of the regular –Ar?

iii.     How does the number affect your choice of the conjugated verb to be used in a sentence?

    Students will receive feedback based on their presentation and the Task completion and Participation rubric.

Step 5: Follow-through activities:

Student will be assigned homework for them to keep practicing the conjugation concepts at home. Students will also be assign activities that will help them prepare for the next lesson:

    Review the Spanish subject pronouns (U3SL2) Review/complete today’s Lesson and worksheets (U3SL3): LINK:  Review the pronunciation of this common –AR regular verbs: LINK:  Complete the the quiz. Print out your results. Or do a screenshot and send it to yourself. Or copy your results and paste it in an email to yourself
    Download the PowerPoint and Play the –Ar Conjugation Song. Press “F5” to play the PowerPoint as a “Presentation”. Repeat each subject pronoun and its ending for -AR verbs.
    Create a quiz of 15 questions including Vosotros. Easy to do. Promise.

    Aside from the reflection question, students also complete a self-assessment as their exit slip in a Google Form for this lesson. This self-assessment is meant to track student’s lesson overall understanding. The rubric is simple and easy to complete. Learning Objective Exit Slip: How well did you understand this lesson? Self-assess your understanding as honest as possible.

4= I have a clear understanding

3= I understand but need clarification on a few aspects

2= I understand only a few aspects.

1= I don’t understand. I need to review the entire presentation.

learn spanish 7     learn spanish 5th grade