
Learn Spanish In Huelva

The World Is Mine

Hi! X here. I’m a communication specialist based in Chicago who loves digital integration and dissecting the evolving state of media/pr/marketing/social media. Currently, I am obsessed with how multicultural/Latino initiatives are seeping into the general market. I’m fluent in Spanish which helps flow through both markets. I’m always looking to learn something new.

Areas of expertise: writing, public relations, branding, marketing, crisis communication, reputation management and social media strategy.

Who’s currently inspiring me: Ronda Rousey and the Rock

Where I see myself in five years: With a New York Times byline, being a panelist at SXSW and sticking with my daily exercise routine.

Currently at: , the company I founded in 2014 to help people and brands amplify their brand using a mix of social/digital and traditional (print, radio and tv) media.

Where I’ve been: Walgreens, DePaul University, Chicago White Sox, Clear Channel, Nike, Shedd Aquarium

Favorite local non-profits: , and .

Education: BA in Communication – DePaul University MA in Journalism – DePaul University I started my MA in Human-Computer Interaction at DePaul University but left before graduating

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