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* The whole 160.000 Km route of the March is divided in 6 parts: 1. New Zeland -> India 2. India -> Moscow 3. Moscow -> Rome 4. Rome -> New York 5. New York -> San Josè (Costa Rica) 6. San Josè (Costa Rica) -> Punta de Vacas (Argentina)
route * Name Country Age Profession / Biography Motivations #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Alexander Mora Mora Costa RicaSan Josè 53 President of the Commission on Human Rights, Latin American Parliament To promote a culture of world peace, and inclusive, green and sustainable development for all. To raise awareness that when states invest in arms, they invest in the annihilation of human beings, and government budgets would be better spent on education, health, housing, and human rights. Alvaro Orus Andreu SpainMadrid 53 Videographer Andres Leonardo Salazar White ColombiaBogotá 37 Principal, Erasmus Humanist School of Rotterdam. High school Philosophy and Geography teacher. First aid. To witness the beauty of the world and learn about cultural diversity and, above all, to be part of the team that–through its purposeful message–brought about a more humane world. Angelika Klatte GermanyMunich 60 Translator andInterpreter with administrative abilities. I feel honored to be a part of the first worldwide march like this, where people come together to say no to war. I am grateful for the chance to experience this historical moment. Ariadna De La Rubia Spainmadrid 38 Book publisher, collector, author. Humanist. Founder of World Without War and Humanist Education Forum. Activist for non-violence, disarmament and pacifism. Viajar, conocer gente, apoyar una iniciativa a favor de la Paz… Aurora Marquina SpainSAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES (MADRID) 73 Anthropologist To support the New Humanism movement, and encourage the inspiring and mobilizing image of peace and conscience in the world–and into the future. Bhairavi Sagar IndiaMumbai 39 Market Researcher and photographer To ask world citizens to take a stand so coming generations live in a world without wars. This experience will enhance my perception of the world, andallow me to devote myself to a cause I believe will better it. I have worked with the Humanist Movement in Mumbai, India since I was 12 and would like to use this opportunity to learn Spanish and Italian with the people I meet along the way. Cecilia De Toma Italyladispoli (RM) 38 I believe that nonviolence is the only choice we have to remove the blanket of injustice that has settled on our world. I want to give my contribution to this project paving the way for hope, and to show people what is already a reality in my heart: a wor I believe that nonviolence is the only choice we have to remove the blanket of injustice that has settled on our world. I want to give my contribution to this project paving the way for hope, and to show people what is already a reality in my heart: a world without violence, in which we can all be united. Let’s build it together! Charles Lasater United StatesAnderson, Ca 96007 69 Architectural design,Computer Graphics, Teacher It is necessary to represent the USA to let the world know that the majority of us wish to contribute to peaceful resolution of conflict. We are all humans and must join in basic agreements to create peace. Dieter Hemminger Germany75228 Ispringen 75 Retired Reverend in the Evangelical Church A peace activist since the age of 18, I’m a member of the managing board of Germany’s International Fellowship of Reconciliation, and I’m in full support of the WM’s goals. Emilia Giorgetti ItalyFirenze 56 Physicist/Researcher in Materials Science I refuse war as a means to solve disputes among nations, or support the economies of the developed world. I hope this effort can stimulate the diffusion of the non-violent approach to problems, particularly in those countries where the differences among the people are dramatic. Francesca Izzo ItalyMILANO 20123 38 Medical Doctor: PediatricAnesthetist The World March for Peace and Nonviolence is an epic poem written by people: we join our voices to say nonviolence can change the world, and let the echo sound all over the planet. Fulvio Faro ItalyRome 47 For years I’ve participated in the Humanist Movement and dreamed of changing times–that last push to the old, violent world, to usher in a breath of fresh air. The World March is that breath, and I want to experience it fully, including final, decisive peace. Horacio Arias Terrón SpainPozuelo de Alarcon 67 Journalist and college Professor. Skills: press conferences, spiritual acts. I want to help put an end to violence among people, and to the world’s wars. Hourdin Gérard France76700 Gonfreville l’Orcher 62 Chauffer/Tour Guide Aleardy deeply involved in many humanitarians issues… Je suis très attaché aux valeurs humaines, j ai deja fais un tour du monde don plusieurs expéditions à caractèresWorld Humanitarian responsible committee Secours Populaire French I'm 56 and I have never experienced war, my dearest wish is that it lasts even for me, for our children and grandchildren .... and this worldwide inmaculada Prieto Spaincastelldefels gil, barcelona 60 will enclose -una oportunidad unica sumarse a otros por una misma Aspiración -como shut up if es necesario ayudar a los demas componentes de equipo Isabelle Alexandrine Bourgeois SwitzerlandVissoie 49 Journalist, Reporter, Editor, Life Coach and The WM is the continuation of my commitment to Promote peace, harmony and unity Among people beyond races, religions, social and cultural differences. (Which I Pursue on my site, planetpositive.org, a compilation of positive international news with the criteria of joy, loyalty, courage, nobility and beauty), I am schedule to write and talk about this initiative to Swiss and Frenchmedia, and hope to publish a book about the experience in 2010. Jacqueline Melo da Silva BrazilRio de Janeiro 34 Communications and Film student. To help spread awareness for nonviolence, so that people no longer think violence is natural. I’m looking forward to being part of the beginning of a society based on a new mentality. Juanita McKenzie New ZealandWellington 52 Mother of five; skills: coordination, time management, first aid and communication. I have been involved in three very different peace groups before helping to co-found two worldwide peoples movements in New Zealand. The first, Humanitys Team,gis a spiritual movement focusing on our interdependence and interconnectedness with each other and our earth. The second movement I have been working with for the past two years is Transition Towns which focuses on creating a positive community response to resource scarcity as a result of peak oil and climate change. I believein Gandhi’s words, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” and this march can unite people in the common goal of choosing peaceful solutions to our many national and international challenges. There is a growing consciousness that humanity desires change to the dangerous path we are on, and we can be the change. Juha Uski Finland4000 Roskilde 44 Writer, Videographer, Translator Juha Uski has participated in the Humanist Movement since 1990 in Finland, Denmark, Zambia, India and other countries. He has translated several books, held a countless number of workshops on personal and social change, initiated social projects such as a cultural club and a neighborhood newspaper, and started or participated in various political and pacifistic campaigns. Currently he is a member of the Nordic team of World Without Wars and Without Violence. Juha Uski holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Roskilde University, where he is currently studying for a Master of Artsdegree in History and Educational Studies. Diverse cultures and points of view are of the utmost value on this type of mission. Being from Finland, living as an immigrant in Denmark, and having experience on campaigns of active nonviolence in various continents, I believe I can give a valuable contribution to this worldwide march. Diverse cultures and points of view are of the utmost value on this type of mission. Being from Finland, living as an immigrant in Denmark, and having experience on campaigns of active nonviolence in various continents, I believe I can give a valuable contribution to this worldwide march. Kai Eberhardt GermanyCologne 40 Coding Specialist; Cook, Butcher and various craft skills I participate out of love of myself, of human kind, and the planet. I don’t want to go on watching a greedy few bring society, and the world, into great misfortune. Lars Rosenblum Sorgenfrei DenmarkDK-2200 Kobenhavn N 41 Musician andPoet. BA: Political Science, MA: Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness What reason do we have for waking up each day, but to strive for peace on earth? Liliana Piastra Spain28440-Guadarrama 73 Translator, Conference Interpreter I was born abroad, in exile, because of wars. I hope that my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will not know violence and it is out of that hope that I march. Lucie Fialova Czech RepublicPrague 37 Masseur, Tao Meditation, Mind/body/energy healing, and PC skills. This march is an amazing way to connect people in peaceful energy, and I hope to restore Mother Earth to health through our open minds, hearts and spirits. I hope to return to a time of unity, humility and the celebration of life, and thus transform the world. Luis Silva Garcia SpainLa Rinconada (Sevilla) 52 Enfermero de Urgencias Marco Inglessis GermanyRoma 51 Environmental Researcher Martine Sicard FranceMADRID- 28014 64 Artist/Painter A nomad at heart, I want to share the message of nonviolence through my sense of adventure, particularly in Africa, where I hope to see the seeds of World Without Wars flourish. Miguel Hirsch GermanySantiago 64 Biologist, Photographer, Activist. Public Relations help. To promote peace and understanding around the world is a dream. Through this World March, we will promote the Humanist view, and I have profound faith that this change of consciousness will make the world a better place for our children. These simple but important works will make us a part of history. Miguel Angel Fernandez Spainmálaga 50 Psychotherapist, Activist, Humanist with Photography and Graphic Design skills The objectives of the World March coincide with my most profound aspirations. Taking a message of peace and non-violence to the world, and being a voice for the majority ofBrings me great pride humankind. Montserrat Ponsa Tarres Spain08480L'Ametlla del Vallès 79 Journalist, Magistrate, Writer, Activist I think the World March, calling for peace and non-violence from people across six continents, is a great challenge. I'm passionate about people, understanding how theyâ live, What They Think, and how They raise families, Even in conditions of extreme poverty. Montserrat Gonzalez Prieto SpainMadrid 48 Administraci�n (Economist) Oral MexicoM¨|xico Leticia Pacheco, D.F. 60 Neonatal Pediatrician, Accupuncturist To am part of this movement and create awareness in the Greater need to revert to a more natural form of human interaction; one without violence, world peace. Pepa SpainPerales Benitez Ordoñez del Rio (Madrid) 51 Social Education, Computer Technician, Graduate in Arts and Crafts Boosting the MM paso por Panamá, accompany the para verMM arrival of several Latin American countries, and support in every possible way with regard to education in non-violence. Member of World Without Wars-Humanist Forum of Education and Training Center on Nonviolent Petra Maria Elisabeth Klein GermanyTenerife 60 Creator / Director of the Centers for Human Development ® Butterfly Garden in five world cities. Author. Psychology and Dance Therapy Degree. To Contribute to world peace through verbal communication and the unity of different cultures. The world requires the "force of the Union." Pierre Hennico BelgiumBruxelles 32 Science student, Basic first aid and rescue, nature Scouting Techniques in different environments, Internet skills This unprecedented event Brings a message of peace and Gives voice to the voiceless. Participating shows all aspiring to live in peace That we are at a crossroads and must choose nonviolence. Personally, the march is a continuation ofmy life’s work. I strive to bring people together as a facilitator, educator and scout. Rafael De La Rubia SpainToledo 66 Book publisher, collector, author. Humanist. Founder of World Without War and Humanist Education Forum. Activist for non-violence, disarmament and pacifism. Raffaele Salemmi ItalyMonopoli – BA 64 Imprenditore nel ramo del riciclaggio materie plastiche…Commerciante. Dimostrare il valore della parola “pace”, della necessita’ di porre fine alle guerre nel mondo e perche’ sono convinto che vivere in un mondo senza guerre ampia le possibilita’ di ridurre le incomprensioni, motiva il dialogo e gli scambi interculturali e facilita la nascita di relazioni umane, sociali, culturali ed economiche sconfiggendo le crisi e superando le barriere delle diversita’. Personalmente desidererei tutto questo e per testimoniarlo la presidenza del comitato mondiale dei giochi mondiali della pace mi ha affidato (nella persona diMonsieur Yves Angelloz) has entrusted me with a task of institutional representation to be made public during the World March and during the events planned for each stage. The town of monopolies (prov. Of bari) that finances my participation strongly intend to be able to boast the title of city 'of peace and non-violence and help, as can' be possible to make more evident these values and this message in every place where potra 'do. Personally, finally, I can only conclude by saying that I will sacrifice 'with my commitment and my personal contribution to the core group ... Very happy ... Whether my work is my family, both my own person for the purposes of the march of raggiungingimento world. Renata Taddei Italyroma 61 Psychotherapist, President: Associazione Onlus Liberté Because I believe in universal values of love and peace, and only through this dance around the world canwe make our contribution to light. A drop in the ocean and a sea of drops, so our earth might be happy for our children, and for children of the flowers in guns. Namasté. Ruth Magaly Navarrete Ramirez ChileSantiago 51 By being an active participant in the World March, I hope my motivation will help keep the team happy and in good spirits. Sandro Ciani ItalyArdea (Rome) 50 Electric Engineer, Event organization and management. My aim is total disarmament across the planet and the abolition of atomic weapons. To promote nonviolence to all cultures and alleviate the suffering of the poor. Sinthya Penn United States 68 Entomologist, Insectary Owner, Grandmother It is necessary to represent conservatives who also want peace; our children deserve it. This march unites people all over the world and reminds us of the common good in humans. Peace is the only way. Stefano Cecere ItalyFirenze42 Researcher, blogger and musician; multimedia communication skills. Active in the Humanist Movement since 1996, I’ve been waiting for such an experience since childhood. I think I could really help in the documentation and story-telling of this project so everyone on the planet can know about the chance we have, as humans, to choose the direction of our future. Tommaso Carbone ItalyMilano 42 Filming and editing, Information Technology I’m contributing to the World March project by joining the Base Team as a videographer, so that all the world can see our efforts. Tony Robinson United KingdomKrakow 47 Freelance IT consultant for Telecommunications companies between 2001 and 2008. Director of a Management Consultancy firm between 1998 and 2001. Tony has worked in the UK, Spain and Germany. The World March is an opportunity to contribute to the global efforts to create a culture of peace through the path of nonviolence. I believethat everyone should contribute to this in which ever way they can. This is my contribution.
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