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In Spanish, we use the future tense to talk about things that “will” happen.

All regular verbs, regardless of their ending (-ar, -ir, or -er) are conjugated the same way for future tense: take the infinitive verb, and add –é, -as, -á, -emos, or -án.


I'll eat I will eat you will eat You will eat He / She / You eat He / She / You (Formal) will eat us / as We will eat They eat / They / You eat They will eat

Irregular Verbs

There are few irregular verbs in the future tense. The endings remain the same, but the stem changes.

- Caber (to fit) -> cabré, you goats, it will fit, we'll Fit, they will fit - Haber (assistant verb - "to have") -> I will, you will have, he will, we will have, they will - Knowledge (to know) -> I know, you know, he'll know, we know, they will know - Power (to be reliable to) -> I can, you can, he can, we can, they can - will (to want) -> I love you, want you, he will want, we will want, they will want

- Put (to put) -> I will, you put, it will, we will, they will - Valer (to be worth) -> I'll be worth, you will resort, he will do, we valdremos, they will be worth - Exit (to leave ) -> I will go out, you go forth, he shall go out, we will leave, they will come - come (to come) -> I will come, you will come, he will come, we will come, they will come - have (to have) -> I have, you will have, it will, we will, they will

- Say (to say, to tell) -> I tell you, you say, he will say, we will say, they say - make (to do) -> I will, you will, it will, we will, they will

You examples: What will you do next weekend? What will you do next weekend? I'll say him. I will tell him. Can you come tomorrow? Will you be Able to eat tomorrow? Will you come to my party? Will You Come to my party?

Future Tense with “ir”:

Also like in English, we can use “ir” to express the future tense.

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