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what’s special about them in German. This intense post tries to figure out just what are conjunctions. And we’ll go much deeper than the usual book definition. Because conjunctions have a lot in common with another bunch of words. And we’ll see what’s up with these things in German, which is kind of really interesting because it touches the secret why the verb moves. (Spoiler: they stink) Time   –   an insightful (or so I hope) introduction about what ways there are to give time information   –   Learn how to say the time of day   –  Learn all those “names” for time like today, tomorrow, last week and how to use them –  Learn all those vague words like soon, later, at some point and so on… part one looks into the future –  And more…. vague words for the past… like just now, recently, a while ago, earlier and so on –  Time preposition and how to use them… so things like in, since, for Time 5.2 –  the rest of the prepositions… shame on me, but this is still pending – learn how to

:  Rated G. This is basic stuff that you can use and apply even as a complete beginner without knowledge about cases or sentence structure
:  This is the core of German grammar and structure. Having read the green stuff you know enough to speak proper German (of course you need to practice)
: These articles are more theoretical look at German… no… not the boring theoretical, the insightful one… so those are not about “How do I do this and that” but more about the “Whhhhyyyyyy???” … they give you useful background and organize things a little.
: Rated Nerd. This is advanced stuff. You can speak German fluently without any of this but you will need it for writing and if you want to pass language tests higher than the B2.
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