
Learn Spanish In Online

All 5th grade boys are invited to come bowling with the special lady in their lives! The Great Gal Bowling night will be held on April 8th at Sproul Lanes.

$15 per couple includes shoes, pizza, drinks and bowling! Please fill out the form and send back to school by 3/19 All 5th grade girls are invited to come dance the night away with their Great Guy!

The Great Guy dance will be held on May 7th at Lynnewood. $15 per couple please return form to school by 4/15.

Emails with forms were sent out to the entire 5th grade class on March 2nd.

Also find 5th grade info on Facebook under Class of 2016 Lynnewood

******************************************************************** COMING SOON – SPANISH EXPLORADORES   Introductory fun Spanish classes at Lynnewood Have you always wanted your son or daughter to learn Spanish?  Now is their chance!  Through immersion style classes your child will learn: greetings, numbers, colors, and other introductory level topics and sentences in conversational Spanish.   Lynnewood Elementary will be offering Spanish classes before school on:

  • Wednesday mornings at 7:50am for grades 1 – 3
  • Friday mornings at 7:50am for grades 4 – 5 

******************************************************************** THRIVE LITERACY CLUB – NEW CLUB OFFERING COMING SOON! Mondays:  4/4, 4/11, 4/15, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23 1. Name of Club: Books Under Construction 2. Description: In this class we use everyday materials to construct our own books in creative and imaginative ways. Perfect for children that have already attended our Great Books and Bookmaking Class or for those new to Thrive after School Clubs, we share great books while learning the process that real authors go through as they write. While we go from boxes to books, the children take pride in the construction of materials, ideas and words. Readers and writers of all ability levels are welcome- this class highlights the joy that reading and writing can bring to all children.  3. Cost: 112.00 for 8 week session  4. Grades: K-3 5. Instructor Name(s): Rachel Griffin  

******************************************************************** Make-a-Lunch at Lynnewood The make-a-lunch progam at Lynnewood provides 50 lunches a week for the life center in Upper Darby. Each week one class comes to the cafeteria to make the  lunches. Below is the make-a-lunch schedule for the remainder of the 2015-16 school year. On the Friday before your childs scheduled date, please check his/her backpack for a letter describing donations needed and volunteer opportunities. We appreciate all the support for this great program. If you have any questions, please contact Jenn McNulty-Brown or Colleen Sprenkle.

Grade 4 March 16th (Wednesday ) Mrs. Doyle March 31st Mr. Hutelmyer April 7th Mr. Oxman

Grade 2 April 14th Ms.Gordy April 21st Ms. Maffei April 28th Ms. Lanciano May 5th Mrs. Duffy

Grade 3 May 12th Ms. Wibbens May 19th Mrs. Farr May 26th Mrs. Wolfe and Ms. Meier June 3rd (Friday) Ms. Ambrogi ******************************************************************* PLEASE SEND US YOUR PICS!! If you have any photos you would like to send for possible inclusion in the yearbook please send to . Please label EACH PHOTO with either the name of the event or the teacher/classroom. Its important to please label each photo and not just note it in the email so we can catalog properly. Also, please feel free to suggest and send photos for events/sports clubs etc.. that weren’t included in last year’s yearbook. Our goal is to try to represent all that is wonderful at Lynnewood! Thank you for your time and for helping us make the yearbook great!

******************************************************************** Box Tops for Education: Please continue to CLIP, CLIP, CLIP your BoxTops and send them in to school. We made almost $1000, this Spring, just by submitting our BoxTops. This is a super easy fundraiser for our PTO. Please participate. Thanks.

******************************************************************** SPIRIT SHOP HAS NEW SPIRIT WEAR – To order please return the form below with payment (check only-written out to “Lynnewood PTO”), in an envelope marked “spirit wear order” to your child’s HR teacher. You can also find the order forms on the PTO website .

******************************************************************** 2015-16 PTO Meeting Minutes Click below to open PTO Meeting Minutes:

*************************************************************** Treasurer’s Report Click below to view the PTO Treasurer’s Reports:

learn spanish in 7 days book     learn 5 spanish words a day