
Learn Spanish In San Miguel Mexico

The United States of America has a population of 317 million as of 2013. The total population 5 years and over for 2011 was 291 million. Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau for this segment showed that 231 million people spoke only English at home and 37.5 million spoke Spanish at home. While 80% of Americans speak English as their primary language, the second most common language spoken in the country is Spanish.

An impressive 12.8% of Americans speak Spanish, over 37 million people, and that number is only going to grow. As Spanish culture is incorporated in the U.S., the necessity to cannot be denied.

The United States is home to a myriad of dialects hailing from all over the Spanish-speaking world. More and more immigrants arrive in this country every year, with more of them speaking Spanish than any other language. As the melting pot of nations grows, English and Spanish speakers alike are discovering the benefits of being able to communicate, both to improve their lives and to grow culturally.

Where to Learn Spanish

The demands for Spanish classes are at an all-time high. According to the New York Times, institutions such as the New York Public Library have had a long tradition of providing free English classes. But it was not until recently that some branches started offering foreign language classes. Libraries all over the country are now following suit and offering complimentary language courses. However, libraries are only able to offer courses based on community needs and available resources. Space is very limited in most library courses.

A great way to learn Spanish is through the use of self-instructional language courses. Simon and Schuster offers the , a comprehensive language course that gets the student off and running with the most useful phrases through an intuitive learning process. Offered in different media, MP3’s, audio CDs, and computer software, the digital language courses allow the students to choose their method of learning, whether it’s taking the lessons to the gym on their mobile devices as MP3s, or making the most of traffic while learning a new language in the car on CD. The option to take these lessons with you allows you to easily integrate learning Spanish into any free time you find.

The Benefits of Learning Spanish

is not just personally rewarding, it is also an opportunity to broaden your cultural horizons. With so many books, movies, and music options being released in Spanish, this is an easy way to tap into the growing market. Taking time to learn Spanish can help open up your mind to exciting new sights and sounds.

New culinary experiences also await those who are inclined to learn Spanish. Spanish cuisine is a perennial favorite across the country. An amazing adventure awaits you if you have the ability to walk into an authentic Mexican restaurant and understand the menu, trying new foods you never would have tasted otherwise because you can now interpret the ingredients.

There are a plethora of reasons to take the time to learn Spanish besides the simple joy of learning a new language. No matter the reason, whether practical, sentimental, or perhaps gastronomic, learning Spanish will be a beneficial skill you can use daily. The Spanish-speaking population is growing in the United States every year and embracing the relationship between English and Spanish speakers will enrich your day-to-day interaction and cultural understanding.

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