From film and television programming to advertising and web streaming, no art or communication form is as influential, powerful or prolific in the modern era as the art of Moving Images. It resonates with people because of its combination of all other art forms (performance, visual, physical, musical, lyrical, textual) and it helps us to realise the limitless creativity of our own dreams.
By studying Moving Image Arts you will develop, knowledge and understanding of film language, genres and visual style and skills in the planning and making of a Moving image product.
UNIT 1: Acquisition of Skills in Moving Image Production
Students develop skills in two of seven defined film language areas.
5. Editing 6. Animation 7. Post-production.
Each student must complete two controlled assessment tasks for submission.
Each task results in a 40–60 second exercise (accompanied by notes on the production of the experiment) and an evaluation. The tasks are designed to help students develop their understanding of technical processes and gain hands-on experience in at least two of the specification’s film language areas.
20% of the overall GCSE
UNIT 2: Planning and Making a Moving Image Product
40% of the overall GCSE
UNIT 3: Critical Response to Moving Image Products
Students learn how to critically analyse film and animation. They develop knowledge and understanding of film language, genre conventions and visual style.
Students are expected to respond critically to a series of questions relating to a set films in an online examination.
Online examination 1 hour 30 minutes 40% of the overall GCSE