Top five reasons to learn Spanish You may be asking yourself “do I really need to learn Spanish?” The answer is undeniably YES! Did you know that Spanish is the the second most spoken language in the entire world? With over 414,000,000 worldwide speakers Spanish is more spoken than English (335,000,000 worldwide speakers) and only behind Chinese (1,197,000,000 speakers). Nonetheless, if you are still on the fence about learning a new language here are the top 5 reasons to learn Spanish: Your career depends on it: The amount of Spanish speakers in the United States is quickly rising. According to the United States Census Bureau, the main languages by number of speakers older than five are: English – 229 million. Spanish – 35 million. With this number steadily increasing every day you may have already noticed several job postings stating “bilingual speaker required.” It’s never to late to begin. Start learning now or risk getting left behind in the “job-seeking” dust. Your dating life needs it: You know that personyou’re thinking of. Maybe you are even already dating this wonderful person. But often times there exists a language barrier with their parents who only speak Spanish. This may cause you to feel shy around certain people, unable to communicate your thoughts, ideas, and stories. Imagine how great it would be to be able to communicate with their family in their native language. Talk about a special first impression! It can help you make a difference: If you are the type of person who likes to help people then learning Spanish can provide you an opportunity to do just that. Whether you are on the job or not it can give you the tools to listen, understand, communicate and solve problems confidently. Language barriers will no longer be able to stop you from making a real difference in your community and in people’s lives. Learning Spanish is fun!: Wouldn’t you like to be able to enjoy more beautiful music, romantic poems, action movies, and amazing food? By learning Spanish you open up awhole new world of doors beyond the language itself. You see, Spanish is not just a language of words, it is a culture of romanticism. There has never been a better time to learn Spanish: If you ever took Spanish classes in high-school you know how dreadful those are: boring, repetitive, and most importantly inefficient. We are living in amazing times. Today there are so many and effective methods to truly learning and understanding spoken Spanish in a way our high-schools never taught us. Please follow and like us: