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This FREE ebook is the result of our study of the phase phenomenon (lucid dreaming + out-of-body experience). It’s about how to achieve it, how to control it, and how to use it in everyday life. All facts presented in this book have been proven by vast numbers of practitioners and years of research around the world. And there’s no theorizing, but only hard facts and methods. THE PHASE A Practical Guidebook for Lucid Dreaming and Out-of-Body Travel ( / )   (This e-book on , , , , , , ) Foreword This guidebook is the result of ten years of extremely active personal practice and study of the the phase (lucid dreaming + out-of-body experience (OBE, OOBE) + astral projection), coupled with having successfully taught it to thousands of people. I know all of the obstacles and problems that are usually run into when getting to know this phenomenon, and have tried to protect future practitioners from them in this book. This guidebook was not created for those who prefer light, empty reading. Itis for those who would like to learn something. It contains no speculations or stories, only dry, hard facts and techniques in combination with a completely pragmatic approach and clear procedures for action. They have all been successfully verified by a vast number of practitioners that often had no prior experience. In order to achieve the same result, it is only necessary to read through each section thoroughly and complete the assignments. The book is beneficial not only for beginners, but also for those who already know what it feels like to have an out-of-body encounter and have a certain amount of experience, as this guidebook is devoted not only to entering the state, but also equally dedicated to controlling it. Contrary to popular opinion, there is nothing difficult about this phenomenon if one tries to attain it with regular and right effort. On average, results are reached in less than a week if attempts are made every day. More often than not, the techniques work inliterally a couple of attempts. Founder of Phase Research Center Table of Contents: Part I: GET PHASE WITHIN 3 DAYS Part II: 100 PHASES Part III: A Practical Guidebook Part IV: Conscious Evolution 2.0 ——————————————- Teaching Out-of-Body Travel And Lucid Dreaming Foreword Teaching out-of-body travel and lucid dreaming means success, an easy and interesting way to make good money, and travel all around the world to lead seminars and network. This is the hottest and most promising field of personal development. Let’s change the world together – join us! Perhaps it’s your destiny? After many years of experimental work on thousands of pupils, we are going public with our super-effective teaching methodologies. This altruistic deed was performed in order to create motivation for third parties to further develop the field. Though teaching out-of-body travel used to be the purview of the elect few, now anybody can do it, and even do a good job at it without any particular experience! Table ofContents: INTRODUCTION ULTRA-CONCENTRATED VERSION PART 1. TRAINING SESSION FORMATS PART 2. ENROLLING STUDENTS AND PROMOTION PART 3. CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION APPENDIX ——————————————- The Phasieland Fairy Tales – 1 (Formats: , , ) Foreword Phasie was a good boy and loved to go on walks with his friends and eat oatmeal for breakfast. Everything would have been perfect, were it not for one problem: an awful, purple dragon often came to scare him in his dreams. His attempt to solve this problem led to amazing discoveries and adventures. () ——————- Testimonials: Ivan Kirac Excellent book, for its scientific, innovative technical approach, which introduces some important new elements in the field of Astral Projection study. One can see that the author is familiar with experimental psychology methodology. Higly, highly recommended, technically wise. Hugh Chin Mike, I found your website while browsing the web two weeks ago. I have downloaded and read your book finally for the first time 2 daysago. For 10 years I have tried the direct method and read numerous books on the subject, with very limited results at best. Last night I had my very first real Phase experience. Thank …you very much for your book, the work you have done and for sharing this with not just me but the world. I would like to tell you about the experience that I had and get your opinion,… Thanks to you, I can truly say that I have had this wonderful experience! Summerlander Hi! I was successful last night. I had a couple of OOBEs and I’d also like to point out that if you try to separate again after returning to your body, there’s a good chance that you will succeed! It seems that the good advice of “re-entering the phase” in really works! Jarek F This book brings very practical set of steps, and it describes techniques which I have not found ever before: deepening and maintaining the phase (lucid dream). And detailed instructions about Indirect Technique (practiced in the morning afterawakened) which I found the most valuable because it works! During last 10 days I had lucid dreams on 4 days, today I had 3 occurrences in the morning, that makes it total 7. According to the author more is possible, but if I compare to what I was able to achieve before, then this is simply amazing. I can say for sure – this is the best practical book about lucid dreaming and OBE. Highly recommended. Sean Salsman Thanks for the free ebooks. That’s awesome. The experiences that fall under the umbrella of the “phase” are experiences that I have sought for over ten years, and I like your approach. I appreciate your help! Travelastral It’s very interesting as it offers a (more) logical explanation than the typical “occult” without trashing the phenomenon. So check it out! Pauli2 Raduga’s book is still a very unique document and perhaps his list of details should be memorized better by me Katsuno I read the book once and I’m reading again to do the tasks now, too. I just have to say: It’sAMAZING! I thought I already knew almost everything about conscious entering a dream because I read almost anything related to it. But after the first chapters I realized how much I’ve been missing. For Example I always tried Wild in the evening because I thought I could never wake up conscious. I’m now trying the tasks and already got 2 short lucids from the indirect techniques (AND 1 Dild because I thought of the book in my dream). Catmeow These videos are excellent. I have been practising all of these techniques for years, and now someone has formalised them. Even the depiction of the rollout, the scrambling around on the floor, touching objects, bringing in the senses one by one etc. All accurate. It works. Timandra I did it! This morning I rolled out, and walked to the window, stuck my head throught the pane to look out and flew outside. I had almost not tried because I had already moved and I had a developing headache, but it still worked. Great, I am going to do this a lot more,because I don’t have so many spontaneous obe’s anymore. I forgot to do the touching-bit, every time I get out I seem to forget my plans… Mrsf0011 This worked forme on first attempt except i wanted a lucid dream but found my self in OBE. Vertebrate Just thought I would share my first-night success story with you guys because it was crazy. These techniques are ridiculously easy. I was able to just separate 3 times in a row so I didn’t have much a chance to practice the techniques. It’s so weird… I just kinda fell out of my futon and into this dream world. Dai I recently stumbled upon your book and found it to be very good. About 9 years ago I was very interested in OBE’s, but gave it up a year later since I never managed more than a partial “separation”. I only used active techniques and I agree that they are very tough to learn as a beginner. Eventually I lost interest. But your book has rekindled my interest, and I will try to use your passive techniques. Johnny The best book ever,easy to read and gives hope and insperation to those who have been trying alot but without succes. the only you will ever need. Jouli Its really so nice book.its is so much interesting and informative.I like its so much and i says thanks on this nice sharing Liam111 First of all I must say its nice to see someone actually taking a dry approach, without alot of new agey mystical clap trap attached. Shaman Priest The practical book is the best of it kinds I have ever seen. I have been using the method to go the Astral and I was surprise to see them in the book. I recommend that everyone who wants to learn astral projection should read the book and practice the lessons. I won’t give reasons because I don’t have time for that here. I have been doing astral projection for many years now and the astral world is my playing ground. I get there any time I want consciously more than being conscious when walking physically on the road. You know what that means now! So read the book and follow thelessons. John_in_houston The book is excellent. I would call it a textbook, rather than a book. Other books about Astral Projection are books this is a textbook. Michael not only teaches the techniques, he describes what not to do, which is what helped me. There are common mistakes everyone makes, and he knows what they are, and how to correct them. I read the manual. Then I re-read the manual. Then I started studying the manual, like you would a textbook. And that is when I started to make real progress. Remember: the Phase = lucid dreaming out-of-body experience astral projection Proposals regarding translating and publishing these books of M. Raduga may be sent to

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