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Tiny Framework WordPress theme, , was created with the future in mind and encompasses all the best features of the default WordPress themes in one place, adds full accessibility and Structured Data Markup with microdata format support. Fast start is ensured with ! Tiny Framework features elegant responsive mobile-first design, HTML5 ready structure of Underscores, custom per-post headers, custom logo, three footer widgets, FontAwesome icon webfont and Google Fonts support. Web developers will enjoy integrated Theme Hook Alliance custom action hooks. It's all there, you have everything in one neat package.

I've tried literally close to 300 themes, both free and paid for, and I kept coming back to Tiny Framework.

Tiny Framework can be used as a learning tool or your own little web development "framework" a.k.a. "starter theme". With its unique "Coding Tips System" Tiny Framework helps to understand how to extend parent themes and build your own child themes, hacking them the way you want. Along with the main theme you will find an - an easy way to start developing with child themes! You get the best coding examples from default WordPress themes and the best hacks from the child theme.

Important update. Tiny Forge theme is in "maintenance mode", that means it is by new theme iteration - Tiny Framework. Tiny Forge will continue to receive updates to fix bugs and important compatibility issues, so don't worry, you're not left alone 😉� Please use Tiny Framework theme for all new projects. Tiny Framework is available to . Latest development version can be downloaded . If you would like to migrate your website to Tiny Framework, please see .

Tiny Framework theme showcase

It is a good idea for new users to see what others were able to achieve with Tiny Framework/Forge WordPress theme. You can see here a couple of examples:

See more beautiful and interesting examples at: .

Having used hundreds of themes, both free and paid for, I can honest say Tiny Framework is the best general purpose theme out there. It has all the important features, everything works as it should, and it's not loaded down with bells and whistles and other junk most people will never use. The code is very well organized, easy to understand and commented throughout. Tiny Framework is a perfect example of what theme development should be. I'd give this one more than 5 stars if I could.

Quick overview of main theme features

  • Elegant, readable and fully responsive theme built on HTML5 and mobile-first layout.
  • Provides full web accessibility: conforms to WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications) and WCAG 2.0 AA (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) requirements.
  • Integrated and with microdata format support - good for Google index and rank building. Required for Google Rich Snippets, Breadcrumbs and Sitelinks Search Box. Structured Data Markup can be easily tweaked/adjusted in functions.php file - most important settings in one place!
  • SEO optimized - only one H1 heading per page on any page! Optimized for score and . Theme doesn't generate its own post/page titles, that makes it compatible with plugins like Yoast WordPress SEO.
  • Performance optimized - additional scripts are loaded in the footer, option to load icon webfont via CDN.
  • Custom Headers for posts and pages (including random header rotator), 3 footer widgets, integrated Social Menu to display your networking links in the footer.
  • Custom logo to display it next to Site Title and Description.
  • Optional excerpt (subtitle) to display it below the entry title (look for Tip41).
  • Styling for post formats on both index and single views ().
  • An optional "Open Sans" display font (enabled by default) and Google Fonts support (optional).
  • Icon webfont support - using .
  • Integrated .
  • Front page template with its own widgets.
  • Full-width (no-sidebar) page template.
  • Page template to display a list of links (blogroll). Blogroll feature is available as a plugin: .
  • Included a starter child theme - easy way to make it your own!
  • Compatible with popular plugins: Jetpack (Site Logo, Infinite scroll, Sharing).
  • LESS dynamic stylesheet language support! Welcome to rapid development age - change the look and feel of your site in minutes! (provided via child themes).

So why would you choose Tiny Framework WordPress theme and its child themes?

Because pros are using it!

Web development studios and professional developers are using Tiny Framework theme: (US), (US), (Canada), (US), (US), (US).

Most themes and even the theme frameworks will cost you less than $100 USD. But you may burn through 2 or 3 themes to find the one you want to use. To get to theme I use on this site (Tiny Forge) I purchased and worked with 3 themes before I settled on this one. I had to be willing to let go of the money I spent though. That wasn't easy but in total I spent about $120 to settle on this theme (free). That's as much as I'd spend for an hour's time with a consultant. I also spent about 20 hours of my time to research, purchase, install and configure, then use each of the themes. The total project took me 2 weeks start to finish. Choosing a theme takes time but time and a little expense up front can make the end result much more productive and pleasant. It's important to me that I enjoy the blogging experience and working with my site. If I don't enjoy working here, adding content, developing new tools & plugins, then why do it? The right theme can make such a huge difference!

It helps you to learn WordPress theme and child theme development!

Because it is based on default WordPress theme, many will find the code look and feel "familiar", and that's an important thing, especially if you're just starting to play with WordPress themes.

This WordPress theme does not offer million customization options, powered by option frameworks... how do you expect to learn WordPress development if you will never open a file in a text editor? Instead Tiny Framework has small pieces of code that (un)locks various features and lets you do things yourself by guiding you through the files and code lines.

Learning experience in Tiny Framework is provided in three flavors:

  • Coding Tips are backed in the theme itself.
  • Tutorials covering less common features are provided in .
  • will provide you a solid starting point, teach most important child theme development techniques and will let you start using .

Many features of this theme and its child themes are thoroughly commented and marked as a "Tip" with a distinct number. For example Tip01 shows how to include additional CSS and JavaScript files the right way - via functions.php file. Just open functions.php file in a text editor, search for "Tip01" and you're there! If there would be additional code components dealing with this Tip in other files, you could easily find the code by opening those files and searching for "Tip01" - no more searching for the needle in the haystack!

First, let me thank you for your wonderful theme. I love the tutorials and commented tricks in the code, as well as the learning philosophy behind your work.

Two most important files of the theme: functions.php and style.css have comprehensive that will make navigation around the code much easier!

Last but not least, Tiny Framework and its child themes have a great user guide: .

New theme options!

It gives more power to a theme developer!

Tiny Framework is a state-of-the-art accessible WordPress theme that includes latest and greatest theme features and validates with web development coding standards: CSS3, HTML5, conforms to WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications) and WCAG 2.0 AA (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) requirements!

Theme doesn't have very prominent design, rather it has a minimalist look and that's a good thing for the developer - it gives you a fresh starting point for your customizations, as I call it - a mini "framework", others call it a "starter theme".

Tiny Framework incorporates many useful preconfigured helper functions, that can be easily activated by simply uncommenting the function in functions.php file.

Theme also greatly extends the automatically included that make life much easier when you need to customize the look of your site. will make theme customization options even greater!

Tiny Framework ensures your - theme does not create any custom post types or shortcodes, so all your created content will be compatible with any other WordPress theme.

If you're looking at this issue from a consumer standpoint, the most important thing to remember is that you are the guardian of your own data. If you choose a theme that locks you in, you are the one who will suffer the inconvenience of trying to transfer data when you change to a new theme. Before installing a new theme, whether it's free or commercial, ask yourself if you'll be able to take all of your data with you, if and when you decide to stop using that theme. If the theme advertises dozens of capabilities, examine each of them to make sure that they don't tie you down.

is provided via child themes - welcome to rapid development age! Change the look and feel of your site in minutes!

Small things can save a lot of time - you will like precalculated most often used rem values.

Did I mention it gives you total creative freedom? Tiny Framework is FREE as in BEER, Open Source with GPL license? 😀�

Need personalized support? Please microdata format support

Tiny Framework integrates and format support directly into each page. Credit goes to and / . Why it is important:

Most webmasters are familiar with HTML tags on their pages. Usually, HTML tags tell the browser how to display the information included in the tag. For example, <h1>Avatar</h1> tells the browser to display the text string "Avatar" in a heading 1 format. However, the HTML tag doesn't give any information about what that text string means - "Avatar" could refer to the hugely successful 3D movie, or it could refer to a type of profile picture - and this can make it more difficult for search engines to intelligently display relevant content to a user. provides a collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use to mark up their pages in ways that can be understood by the major search engines: Google, Microsoft, Yandex and Yahoo!

Read more about microdata format initiative:

It is also important to mention that helps with establishing of the website.

LESS dynamic stylesheet language support

Welcome to rapid development age - change the look and feel of your site in minutes! LESS support is provided via child themes.

LESS adds much needed dynamic properties to CSS. It introduces variables, operations, function-like elements, even JavaScript into the mix. It will make your life hassle free by enabling you to write stylesheets with a modular mindset. LESS is a superset of CSS. This means that all CSS code is valid LESS code but there are additional elements in LESS which would not be valid in CSS. This is great because your existing CSS is already valid LESS code, minimizing the learning curve to using LESS.

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Theme localization (translations)

  • Dutch (Nederlands) - big thanks to
  • English
  • Finnish (Suomi) - big thanks to Lassi A Liikkanen
  • French (Français) - big thanks to Alex Goudeau and James Capra
  • German (Deutsch) - big thanks to
  • Hebrew (עִבְרִית) - big thanks to Asaf Wolf @
  • Italian (Italiano) - big thanks to
  • Japanese (日本語) - big thanks to Ishikawa Koutarou
  • Lithuanian (Lithuanian) - a big thanks to
  • Norwegian (Bokmål) - big thanks to
  • Norwegian (Nynorsk) - not complete
  • Polish (Polski) - big thanks to Adam Horodecki
  • Portuguese (Português) - not complete
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (Português do Brasil) - big thanks to Ary F. Capra and James Capra
  • Russian (Русский) - big thanks to Sergei Kasaurov and Pavel Kanyshev a.k.a. veshinak
  • Spanish (Español) - big thanks to
  • Swedish (Svenska) - big thanks to

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What are users saying about Tiny Framework theme?

This was the perfect theme for the launch of our new online law review... Tiny Forge is a clean, fast, and responsive theme, and it even provides several features that we haven’t used yet that will give us room for growth. Thank you!
So instead of writing my own code I spent two days trying on themes like a teenage girl tries on prom dresses - none of them was just quite right. I eventually settled and looked for something that was responsive (meaning I could view it on my computer or my iPhone with ease) and whose structure and CSS was clean and easy to navigate. I settled on Tiny Forge. It was pretty right out of the box and I just tweaked some colors, threw up my own header image and added some of my widgets to the sidebar.

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Story behind the creation of this theme

Being WordPress developer, I love to have my own little "framework" that I use to create new web projects. Usually I modify the default WordPress theme or create a child theme for it. I always use default themes, because they include most of the theme features supported by WordPress, give you clean start and show the best principles of WordPress theme development and coding style.

I started with Kubrik, then went with Twenty Ten and later arrived to Twenty Twelve, that is a clean, elegant, mobile ready, HTML5 compatible theme. It doesn't make your website look like a blog (as it is with Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Fifteen) and is very easy to extend. Later I refactored whole Twenty Twelve code replacing CSS and document structure with ones from Underscores theme. So now you have Underscores wrapped in a Twenty Twelve design and sprinkled with other goodies 😀�

Initially theme was released as , it became a popular and highly ranked responsive WordPress theme that found its way into hearts not only of beginning web amateurs, but also professional web builders. Tiny Forge was downloaded more than 75,000 times on and rated 5/5 stars.

Big thanks to all supporters and contributors!

Please visit special page dedicated to all .

Version history

See: .

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