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Introducing “The Heart Lady” a book full of true heartwarming stories written by the Heart Lady. Follow along as she gives out her unique Hearts to people she has never met—that is, until she gives them a heart and tells them, “You Are Loved.” What a difference she is making in the day-to-day lives of others.

You too can make a difference in others lives! Give the book and heart to someone you care about today. Your beautiful Heart, made especially for you can be attached to a badge or button hole, used as a bookmark, hung on a mirror or anyplace as a reminder that  “You are Loved”. Book Price $14.00 Click on the “Buy Now” Button to purchase with PayPal (Free Shipping in Continental USA)       OR                                                   Request a copy at our email address:

This book is dedicated to all of us who at times need to be reminded, “I AM LOVED.” My Mom, The Heart Lady, is an inspiration to me, her family and countless many others.

It is an honor for me to publish my mom’s experiences as The Heart Lady. I used to be embarrassed when Mom first started giving out the hearts many years ago. I have since grown to admire her uninhibited sharing and giving of her love through the hearts. Mom takes time to tell others she cares by giving a listening ear, words of encouragement, and a heart to remind them they are special. Mom is always reminding others of God’s love for them.

The Heart Lady has made and given out more than 10,150 hearts over the past 31 years. She makes and lovingly gives out 600 to 800 hearts every year, one heart at a time. They have been so wonderfully received that people now ask her for hearts. She always carriers her hearts in her purse, ready to share them with anyone she believes needs to know they are loved.

The Heart Lady has an amazing life story that she freely shares at Al-Anon conventions and in weekly Al-Anon meetings. Thirty two years in the Al-Anon program have given her wisdom and motivation to share her experience, strength, and hope with others. We grow and learn from hearing other’s stories. May you be inspired when reading these short stories as The Heart Lady shares her gifting of love through her hearts and through the way she lives her life. May these stories encourage you to spread more love, more grace, and more kindness, to those you meet in your day to day interactions.

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