
Learn Spanish Language Online Video

Welcome to Mrs. Nilson’s Italian and Spanish classes!

I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing summer and have come back to school ready to learn! I am truly delighted to be your  teacher this year and I look forward to an exciting year filled with interesting and motivating activities. My hope is that you will develop a true love and appreciation of foreign languages and cultures. In order for success, we need to work as a team. Communication between home and school is of vital importance, so please feel free to come and see me with any questions or concerns. My office hours will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:35 am to 8:05 am.  If you cannot make these times, please see me to make an appointment. Your parents/guardians may also call me and leave a message at 845-680-1600 ext. 7285 or  e-mail me at . I will return their call or e-mail as soon as possible.

I hope we all have a great year!!

learn spanish in 7 days review     learn 5000 spanish words