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Instruction in the PreMBA program combines both the development of English language and academic skills with course content and instructional methodology similar to that in American MBA programs. There are four courses in the PreMBA program; these courses are separated into two categories: “Listening/Speaking” and “Reading/Writing.” The courses are listed by category below.   Listening/Speaking   Reading/Writing   Course Descriptions Advanced Business Case Studies In this course, students focus on developing their academic English vocabulary and listening/speaking language proficiency skills as they discuss, analyze, synthesize, explain, report, and present case studies. The case study method is widely used for instruction in MBA programs, and this course offers students practice with the methodology using Harvard Business School Field Case Study materials. GMAT Preparation Students develop their reading and writing skills and apply these skills for the purpose of meeting theadmissions requirements of the MBA or other graduate programs. The course focuses on test taking strategies to score well on the GMAT, when English is the applicant’s second language, academic and business vocabulary, and analytical essay writing. Reading and Writing for Graduate Programs In this course, students develop their ability to read and write graduate-level texts. Each student conducts in-depth library research into a topic of interest in their graduate field of study and writes an analytical literature review. The course also includes a comprehensive review of academic written English grammar. Entrepreneurship and the Business Plan With instructor guidance, students in this course work in teams to create a small business. Teams research, prepare and present a business plan with operational business and competitive and marketing strategies and a statement of cash flow. The Delaware Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides speakers for the class and online workshopson aspects of business planning. At the end of the course, the teams make a formal presentation of their plans and are questioned by the Director of the Delaware SBDC.   Learn more about the PreMBA   Ask a question about the PreMBA Thank you for your interest in the PreMBA program! Please enter your question in the form below. We will respond to you within 1-2 business days.

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