
Learn Spanish Lincoln

8 reasons to be a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language

September 30th, 2015 Author Author
The Spanish continues its unstoppable rise in the world. Currently there are more than 548 million people who speak it or study it worldwide, of which 470 million speak it as their mother tongue. United States is the country that has experienced greater growth in this area due to the increase in Spanish-speaking population and is expected to 2050 is the country with more Spanish speakers around the globe. But it is also opening a hole in countries like Brazil where the language of Cervantes is spoken by 30 million people as a second language. Something that has to do with performing trade with neighboring countries. Such has been the growth of Spanish in recent years that today the Cervantes Institute has more than 86 centers in 42 different countries, having doubled the figure in just 5 years, and Spain is the country that most students of Spanish receives each year. In addition, it is the second most spoken language at work levelworld, being the most used in the workplace in the United States, United Kingdom and Brazil. On the other hand, the languages ​​that are now ahead of Spanish, Chinese and English, is expected to experience a sharp decline in the coming decade for demographic reasons. Thus, it is estimated that in 15 years 7.5% of the world population will speak Spanish. Therefore, it is not surprising that the demand for teachers of Spanish is growing. The Spanish is fashionable and more and more people around the world want to learn. In fact, growth has been so rapid that it is currently impossible to meet the demand for qualified professionals to teach in this language. Whereupon professor of Spanish is a profession with a future, ideal for those who want to travel and learn about other cultures, while working on what they like. But let's look in more detail what are the reasons why it is an excellent career opportunity. 1. RelationsPersonal Work teaching is the best way to meet people. Both students themselves and the companions of the center, cooperations with other centers and institutions, etc. An excellent opportunity to make new friends and enrich our social relations, which are, as you show many scientific studies, the main ingredient of happiness. In class, we monitor in debates, animation, control emotions, develop our interpersonal intelligence, our ability to resolve conflicts, etc. 2. Being a teacher of Spanish Speaking give you the opportunity to improve your ability to speak in public. In addition to learning to draw the attention of students with FAQs, changes in tone, directing his gaze to different students, etc. and learn to speak calmly and vocalize it. In addition, one gets used to always be the center of attention of the listeners, which is very useful if one day you have tomake a presentation or lecture in front of a large audience. 3. Continuing Education This is perhaps one of the most attractive reasons to be a teacher of Spanish. It means always being constantly updated to adapt our classes to the type of students we have at all times. But also to introduce new technologies in the classroom to facilitate the teaching and learning of languages ​​and materials to the times in which we live so that issues are attractive and relevant. 4. Teaching Language learning something so dynamic, elusive and ubiquitous as languages, supposed to be learning about it constantly. No matter if your mother tongue, surely always learn something new. And since Spanish is so widespread around the world, developed with unique characteristics in each area, soaking up the different idiosyncrasies of societies who speak, we are able to learnabout other cultures we do not know although we are part of them. 5. Learning Hispanic cultures But if we learn new things about the Spanish, we also learn about their cultures. And that loas expressions, customs and traditions of each country, their way of being ... are elements that are also part of Spanish classes and student learning process. Therefore, a good way to learn about it is to learn Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country. 6. Mobile Work If you're lucky enough to devote to teaching a language that is fashionable, which is growing so fast and you learn throughout the world, you can teach in any country where there is interest in learning Spanish . In fact, this is one of the main reasons why many people are attracted by the idea of ​​being a teacher of Spanish. But if you do not want to move to your city, you always have the possibility of Spanish classes online so withoutleaving home, thanks to new technologies. 7. Space for creativity Without a doubt, this is one of the most important reasons. Spanish teacher can design class materials mixing resources, combining and adapting content for students to enjoy while learning. In addition, although we plan completely our classes, there is always room for improvisation, which is very stimulating. On the other hand, the teacher can also encourage students' creativity in the classroom, choosing the most appropriate tasks and establishing safe environments for improvisation. 8. Space for comedy All teachers have better and worse days and someday may see as students breathe sigh of relief after the class, which can make you feel frustrated. This can help you improve your method when entering certain issues that may be more boring or complicated. You must also remember that laughter issomething fundamental. In this way, you can download tensions. There are always times when we can relax the atmosphere and make some joke for students to feel comfortable in our classes. Share
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