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English for Academic Purposes English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses provide language instruction for academic study in American universities. Language skills addressed include: listening comprehension, fluency development, oral intelligibility, reading, grammar, writing, and vocabulary development. Academic study skills addressed include: test taking and note taking skills, academic vocabulary usage, critical reading and writing, comprehending academic lectures, research and library skills, formal composition forms and development, including research papers. Students in the Academic Track may apply for conditional admission to the University of Delaware and to any of our many partner universities. See. English for Academic Purposes courses are available to students in several programs, including the , the , and the English for Academic Purposes Listening/Speaking, Level V and VI These courses develop academic listening and speaking skills for advanced level students who areinterested in undergraduate or graduate study in the United States or other English-speaking countries. Learner outcomes include general academic vocabulary development, listening skill improvement in an academic setting, development of effective note-taking skills, and improved academic discussion and presentation skills. Students build skills through practice with an ESL pronunciation text and materials that use authentic academic content-based lectures and American university texts. Activities include formal presentations, discussions, and reports on elementary research. (Students in the CAP program must complete the High Advanced Level English for Academic Purposes courses, earning grades of B or higher, before matriculating in their degree program of choice.) Successful completion of these two courses satisfy conditional admission requirements.   English for Academic Purposes Reading/Writing, Level V and VI This course develops academic reading, writing, and research skills ofadvanced students who are interested in undergraduate or graduate programs in the United States or other English-speaking countries. Students learn and develop the skills for university and college content courses. Learner outcomes include academic vocabulary development, improvement in reading and comprehension of university textbook materials, short stories, magazine articles, and on-line/library materials, and development of academic essay and research paper writing skills. Materials include a reader with authentic selections from American university texts, short stories from on-line libraries, and other authentic reading materials. Students read and present material both verbally and in writing, and write essays, and complete a research paper up to ten pages in length. (Students in the CAP program must complete the High Advanced Level English for Academic Purposes courses, earning grades of B or higher, before matriculating in their degree program of choice.) Successful completionof these two courses satisfy conditional admission requirements.   Listening/Speaking for Graduate Programs Level VI This course develops academic listening and speaking skills for advanced level students who are interested in graduate study at an English-speaking university. Learner outcomes include general academic vocabulary development, listening skill improvement in an graduate-school setting, development of effective note-taking skills, and improved seminar, discussion, and presentation skills. Students build skills through practice with an ESL pronunciation text and materials that use authentic academic content-based lectures as well as authentic supplemental materials. Activities include formal presentations, discussions, and reports on research. (Graduate-CAP students must complete this class, earning grades of B+ of higher, before matriculating in their graduate program.)   Reading/Writing for Graduate Programs Level VI This course develops students’ ability to read and writegraduate-level texts, including summaries, definitions, essays, bibliographies, critiques, and data commentaries. Each student also conducts in-depth library research into a topic of interest in their graduate field of study and writes an analytical literature review. The course includes a comprehensive review of academic written English grammar. Students must hold a completed undergraduate degree (bachelor’s degree) to take GRAD VI classes. This course is suitable for anyone considering starting a graduate degree (masters or doctorate) at an English-speaking university. (Graduate-CAP students, including MBA-CAP students, must complete this class, earning grades of B+ of higher, before matriculating in their graduate program.)   Reading/Writing in Your Field Level V and VI This course develops advanced academic reading and writing skills for students who have completed the English for Academic Purposes courses. Students do academic work in their field of interest including research andresearch paper writing. Learner outcomes for the course include improved reading comprehension, writing proficiency, academic vocabulary, and research skills, all in a single content area of the student’s choice. The reading materials are authentic and from publications in the chosen field. Students will write brief reports on their research and present them to the class. This class does not satisfy conditional admission requirements.  

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