
Learn Spanish Linguaphone

I want to share this page showing varied and interesting resources for those who want to learn or teach Spanish as a second language.

Self-learning of languages ​​through Internet websites for independent learning Spanish as a second language courses and interactive exercises 1. Online: FREE COURSES ON-LINE: Page with several resources for self-learning Spanish online:, . Online course. Gratuitous. on-line business Spanish course. Gratuitous. Free on-line course with lessons and interactive grammar exercises. online free course. It includes interactive exercises and links to exercises for printing. Environment training rooms-learning Spanish as a foreign language. Under construction. Gratuitous. COURSES ON-LINE PAYMENT: Online Course Virtual Center Cervantes. Payment. free course (registration by e-mail). Online course. Payment. Demo operation. Free exercises. Test level. online course for English speakers. Payment but with many free exercises. Online course with paid version and free version (required) payment online course. lessonsfree :, interactive exercises, sample. Freebies. Test level. Pay online course. It has a free trial lesson (Free trial selected in the left menu) on-line course via voice chat. Payment. They offer a free class prior registration. Some free materials. simultaneous online learning several languages ​​course. Payment. free demo. Pay online course. Demo (free lessons). Registration form to obtain a free CD with more lessons. Courses on-line payment. No demos. Web resources for self-study language. It contains a translator, vocabulary development exercises and dictionaries. Payment. It can be used for free, but many options are disabled. WEBS WITH INTERACTIVE EXERCISES (FREE): Web with a large number of interactive exercises to teach yourself Spanish. Classified by levels and content (grammar, vocabulary, culture and situations). Free. Selectionfree interactive activities pertaining to online course (fee) Virtual Classroom Spanish Instituto Cervantes. Click on Aveteca. interactive teaching materials to learn vocabulary in a playful way for children to 9 years 7 start studying Spanish. Gratuitous. More than 2,000 interactive educational activities designed for students and teachers español.Clsificadas by type of interaction and educational content. Free. Other interactive resources Cervantes Virtual Center for the presentation and practice of certain aspects of the Spanish language. Free. A collection of graded readers in Spanish, with texts, games and interactive activities for learning Spanish. Free. Web of Juan Ramón de Arana exercises two types: exercises to be corrected by a teacher (via email) and interactive exercises of grammar, vocabulary and culture. Free. interactive exercises for self-learning of different languages.Free. interactive grammar exercises. Free. interactive grammar exercises. Free. Web with interactive exercises. Add text manual Get up !. Free. Web author QUIA program. Section interactive activities for learning Spanish made by users of the program. Juan Manuel Soto Web Arriví. In it a compendium of Spanish grammar rules and a selection of exercises (interactive and print) is provided. Free. interactive grammar exercises. Free. interesting web with interactive exercises and study modules Barbara Kuczun. Free. free interactive exercises web of Words and Tools. Spanish lessons interactive exercises. Free. Web with lessons in Spanish grammar and syntax and some interactive exercises. Free. Some interactive exercises for students of this web oriented Spanish teachers LE. An interesting site with cultural contentand advice for foreign students. It incorporates interactive exercises on these issues. Web with interactive exercises conducted by Bertin Esther Quintana Ortega and interactive exercises to practice vocabulary WEBS WITH NO INTERACTIVE EXERCISES (FREE): Web exercises to be printed and corrected by a teacher. Free. (Grammatical and cultural contents). Web for intermediate-advanced level. It contains some exercises (noninteractive) of reading-listening using the web. Gratuitous. and grammar and vocabulary exercises to print. Key solutions. WEBS WITH SPANISH LESSONS (WITHOUT EXERCISE AND FREE): Grammar Spanish for foreigners. Well structured. To access it click on the link "Spanish Grammar" from the left menu (under the category Material online) Web grammatical lessons and articles about the Spanish language. No interactive exercises. Free. Web with somegrammar explanations about the Spanish. No exercises. Free. Web that contains several lessons on practical aspects of vocabulary and grammar Spanish. No exercises. With links to free resources: Chat and larger pictures. David Reilly Web with six lessons to teach yourself Spanish. No exercises. Page with free lessons. No exercises. It has information and links for students of Spanish foreign language. Page grammatical lessons online and the possibility of using free (registration) the Spanish vocabulary tool-kit tool. No exercises. Website with "virtual cards" for self-learning some grammatical aspects of Spanish. Gratuitous. Web with grammar explanations and a collection of useful phrases in Spanish. Spanish grammar notes. OTHERS: Web to download the free software Yes, spain for learning Spanish. Download Page MacTrivia software and setExercise in Spanish developed by Juan Manuel Soto Arriví. Free. interactive game for learning Spanish online. free demo by clicking on "Free visit" Web for self-learning Spanish via e-mail. It contains a glossary of Spanish grammar. Page with links to resources for self-study of the español.Tomado: Other sites may be:

To vocalization and pronunciation of phonemes.

Some features phonetic, grammatical and vocabulary.

printable resources.

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