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The Zelaya Family is on a mission to make the world a better place!

Thank you for visiting our family blog! This blog is dedicated to sharing our family stories. We will be blogging & sharing: parenting tips, , funny stories, learning experiences and lots of pictures and videos. Hope you can join us on our mission to make the a world a better place for our children.

Zelaya Family Fun Facts

  • The Zelaya Family is interracial & culturally diverse (Haiti, Costa Rica, Honduras).
  • Emma & Jeff: Met in High School Dated for 8 years before getting married. Were born in Miami, FL Welcomed Elijah Zelaya to the world in 2013.
  • Elijah is a very fast learner  at 5 months. He started walking at 7 months. At 15 months he knew his ABC’s (Phonetically) & 123’s Started (Age 6 to 7 years) by 18 months old. Learned at 22 months Developing fluency in English, Spanish, Indonesian & French Mastered the before his 2nd birthday.

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