
Learn Spanish Lucknow

Teach Spanish On Your Own

Independent bilingual teachers running classes in the United States may purchase Spanish that Works textbooks at a to run their own classes. Here’s how Spanish that Works™ can help you:

Successful. Spanish that Works is an innovative program in beginning conversational Spanish that can be tailored to meet the needs of a group.  Students love the interactive, practical approach and feel a real sense of accomplishment with what they are learning. (See testimonials on the clients link.) By including Spanish that Works materials in the cost of your class, you add value to your course package and provide your students with a method of learning that has a proven track record.

Ready to Go. The method and materials are simple and teacher support materials are available, so individuals who are not professional language teachers can use the program successfully. If you are a Spanish teacher already, you will appreciate having a textbook that is comprehensive enough to provide structure for each lesson, yet basic enough to allow plenty of room for you to bring in your own ideas and activities.

Rewarding. Teaching Spanish is personally rewarding, but it’s also a fun way to make extra income. You can purchase the textbooks at a discount so your students get more for their money.  The textbook is thorough, so your prep time minimal.  Even after expenses, you can make $50-$150 an hour, depending on your geographical area and the number of students per class.

A Perfect Fit. You run your own show, so you can plan your classes to fit your own schedule. The basic course can be customized with special pull-out pages and flashcards to teach social Spanish for travel or every day, or to train customer service professionals such as librarians, teachers, city court, and others. The course can be streamlined or expanded, so you can use it for classes of varying lengths.

Simple. There are no special certifications or franchise fees–just a high quality, effective course. You use the materials to teach, and the students learn quickly and have fun. You can make money as soon as you start your first class. It’s that simple.

To Get Started. If you decide to use Spanish that Works, we can give you a volume discount on textbooks you purchase and resell to your students.  If you or your students are regularly purchasing the books, we can put your name, phone number, email address and a link to your website on this website.  If you don’t have your own website, you can put our web address on your flyers and other advertising, so prospective students can read more about the course online.  We can also give you suggestions on how to set up a successful business, including webpage, based on our own experience.

If you think Spanish that Works might work for you, call 406-671-7622, or send us an e-mail to: We look forward to serving you!

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