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Why we create this informal website?

Why create this informational website?

Many people in the local community of Todos Santos are opposed to overdevelopment. Projects like the Tres Santos’s ‘mega-development’ are just not sustainable in the fragile coastal area, despite the deceptive advertising Tres Santos promotes. 

Feb 2016 Here is a link to the latest video:  

Watch this video and read the site information and see for yourself what you think…

…Tres Santos Development claim of sustainable development, bringing in thousands of new people and workers into a desert environment with limited water resources, is a mockery of the term, especially when the only solution to the water issue is a desal plant with all its environmental problems.

August 2015 update on Tres Santos and CSU branch:

Todos Santos has been a small sustainable community for over 200 years. Now the population is growing rapidly. What about all those  thousands of people when the water disappears? Baja has always been an empty place because there is just not sufficient resources to support even a modest population. As a local lawyer stated in the video, twice in the last 50 years the town has run out of water, long before the rapid growth of the past few years. This is a desert climate.

 In this case, Tres Santos has permits for 4472 homes to be built out over 25 years which means there would be an indirect population growth of more than 67,000 new residents without taking into account the population growth caused by the people who ‘buy into’ the project.  Nor does this address the direct and indirect population growth from any other development projects and natural population increases. Tres Santos Development Plans have huge consequences to the region, creating massive impacts beyond their project and outside the scope of the urban plan they wish to implement within their development.   The world can provide enough for everyone’s needs, but not for everyone’s greed. Gandhi Of particular concern are:– impacts on local water resources (are already felt)
– impacts on the local landscapes, flora and fauna – impacts caused by direct and indirect population growth – not providing low cost housing to meet massive worker population – poverty caused by accelerated growth without appropriate planning – impacts on the marine resources (fish, turtles and all marine life) – impacts on the local fishing industry (are already felt) – impacts on general weak infrastructures and services in BCS Mexico; schools, waste treatment, garbage, healthcare, transportation, security.  

Regarding Tres Santos “communications skills” with local populations:  Almost none of the Tres Santos employees even speak Spanish much less understand the local culture as the advertisements proclaim…

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