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 – Product reviews and Ratings on cars, appliances, electronics and more. To access Consumer Reports you will be directed to login via Ebscohost.

- Multiple databases that cover a wide range of topics and which contain full-text articles, citations, and abstracts from sources such as newspapers, periodicals and newswires.

– is a growing database of more than 8 million company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, office photos and more. Unlike other jobs sites, all of this information is entirely shared by those who know a company best — the employees. Add to that millions of the latest jobs — no other site allows you to see which employers are hiring, what it’s really like to work or interview there according to employees, and how much you could earn.

- Census data, family records and local histories and much much more.

- The LearningExpress Library 3.0 is an interactive online learning platform featuring over 770 practice tests, tutorials, and eBooks related to job search and workplace skills improvement, career certification and licensing exam preparation, college entrance and graduate school admissions exam preparation, high school equivilency exam preparation (HiSET in Iowa), and basic skills improvement in reading, writing, and math, for all ages.. The LearningExpress Library also includes Popular Software Tutorials and Basic Computer Instruction. Please note: to access from outside the library, you must use the link from the website.

– A premier resource for all your language-learning needs. Mango is an interactive tool that helps you learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, and 30 more languages. Also includes English instruction (ESL) tailored to speakers of 14 languages. Please note: to access from outside the library, you must use the link above and it will require you to have a library card.

– Includes Business Database, with information on 12 million U.S. businesses, and Residential Database, with information on 120 million U.S. households.

– World Book Online Reference contains every article from the 22-volume encyclopedia print set plus thousands more. With state-of-the art multimedia, editor-reviewed Web sites, and more!

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