
Learn Spanish Months Of The Year

This section includes my learning and attempts at gamification AND game-based learning (GBL). I’ve been a gamer since first playing pong at my neighbor’s house when I was seven and I’ve always wondered how to bring that level of engagement, fun, and learning into my classroom. So this is where I’ll be placing links of my journey into gamifying my classroom.

(My understanding of the difference between the two terms.)

(my first blog post on the topic of gamification)

(my plan for making the classwork kids do in my classes more like gaming than school work)

(reflections on how I started the 2012-13 school year and setting up a gaming classroom)

(reflections after a trimester of trying to gamify my classes)

(My thoughts on using rewards with regards to game-based learning.)

? (My thoughts after a Twitter conversation on badges.)

(My reflections on my first attempt at Games-Based Learning and plans for next year (2013-14.)

(More on my plans for the new school year this fall.)

(Got my layout for the 2013-14 year for 6th grade done.)

(Got my layout for the 2013-14 year for 8th grade done.)

(What I’ve been learning about Game-Based Learning)

(More to consider when turning lessons into quests.)

(Things to think about when doling out rewards in gamified classrooms.)

(A Glog I made to share the elements of motivation.)

(Offering students choice yet keep a scope and sequence. The balance.)

(More on badges, achievements (rewards) in the gamified classroom.)

(My experience with game addiction.)

(What it is. Can we use it in the classroom? Yeah!)

(I’ve got my 6th and 8th grade plans on 3D GameLab and am ready to go!)

(Slides from a presentation I gave for #RSCON4 on my gamification attempts.)

(How 3D GameLab has helped me gamify my Science classes. It’s a pretty cool tool.)

(An example of how gaming changed my life.)

(Why do people like games? My thoughts.)

(Assessing the first semester in ROLE classes and using 3D GameLab.)

(My use of World of Warcraft in Science class!) (Our first day playing WoW in Science class!) (final reflection)

(two easy ways to introduce some gamification into your classroom) (making a choice to use both or one or the other) (I made the choice between 3D GameLab and Classcraft)

(Awards vs Badges and XP) (Follow-Up Blog to Am I a Hypocrite)

Second Attempt at Using WoWinSchools with my Students:

(I did a Gamification presentation at a Science Conference!)


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